Resolution 777 - Tax LevyRESOLUTION NO, 777. A RESOLTUTION TIAKING TIP! A!�"NRJAL TAX LEM FOR TIED,, CITY OF KALISPELL TJ 0 ITITANA 'NisT I 14D L y IT1,110 HIUMIU, T T (Ino) BE4, IT RESOLVE1,T) BY T_111,: CITY C0U-,',TCIL OF CITE OF iTONT- ANTA: That there be levied on eac'n ancl. every dollar of the asseuked va,1- uation of the taxable property in the City of' zalispoll, T.,Iontana, for the year, of 1920, the f ollowing amounts - General and Adminirtrative 7 Mills. Street and Woad purposes 4-� Mills ght Fund Water &,, Lir I Park Plund Library -'wunO 2 Fire protection Fund Water Bond Int. -PunCl 51 Bond Interest i"und 3/6 Water �ond SinRing Wund 1 Sewer Bond Sinking 10und Uzkin,, a total levy for all purpo,,-�eo Tientioned ,move of 21 rail ls. Adopted thio the l5th cTay of September 1 920. Approved this t.Jae 15th day of Septeiaber 1920. I R. Pauline, Vayor. J. .11. Chris Lensen, City Clerk.