Resolution 778 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 1R 1 ESOLUTIO'll 110. 778. A Resoluti6n estimating the cost of liLht,ing Special Lighting district number one of the City of haijapell, for the year 1920, and levying and assessing all, the property within the said district with the cost of lighting said district. BE IT R'TSOLVED BY TIIE, CITY COUNCIL OF THR, CITY.' OF KALISPELL- Section 1. 'lie cost of ligi-itint: Li.itin6 District -Numbor One of the City of ftlispell for the ye°ar 19210 is estimated to be $780.54. Section 2. A tax is hereby levied and assessed upon all the prop- erty in the said li6,hting istrict for the amaunt of the estimated cost of lightine-,, -the streets therein by Pportioning to the -everal lots and parcels of land within the F,,.�dd district. (Reference is hereby Twade to the oriEjnal Resolution on file and of record in the office of the City Clerk for a specific description of the property above mentioned.) Section 3. The ttm hereby levied becoi-iies delinquent at six o'clock P.T,T. on the Mtki day , of lNoveynber 1920. Section 4. -Heference is hereby made to Resolution of Intention to create Lik,,,hting District -'Number One for further particualrs. Introduced Sept. 27th 1920 and set for heurin�, Oct. 4th, 19,,I0 at 7:30 o'clock P.y. Adopted this the 4th day of Oatober 1920. Approved this the 4th dial® of Uctober 1920. R. Pauline, Rayor. Attest: J. I. Chris6ensen, City Clerk.