Ordinance 600 - Rabies Vaccinations1
I! 71. H. Boberg, City Clerl; of the City of "alis ,oll i:o_ lama do hereby certify that on the 27th day of .larch! 1-:5! I
1)OSted a co,,)v Of the fore-o i-lv �;.��...I'r-:+� r l!
a,,ic p e in :y o rice d the
same renained posted fo, a ne iod of five day" .n(' the foregoing is a'rue cony of the ordinance as massed ur the City Council.
particularly do;�s; and!
iJfILIE«s! one dog within the City of Kalispell is suspected
of having rabies;
there are r1o�•a `n alispell a i,�rrre number of �m-
VaCClnuted d0 'S ;�n:_.ch are 'potential carriers of _1�1cS Gild be-
cause of the mat) re of sr;id disease tk)ere is a :,ossibi'_ity that
un'ess prevent,aive eS -.�'e al -en t}"'ie disease of rt)bieS
could spread t':o e.. -1. c ,� o_>o_tions an, ens aia^er the lives of
all persons end un_.:aa1a _n t're rit"T of I;alisnell and
ni7s lkl'.S the o . .r e : n r t,
! tL -ensures twat will de'-}uately protect the i�eople „r_ nn n.ls in the City of Kalispell is the
7_icensi_ng! vaccinat'.on an•; conf:ineme it of all do;,^s; and;
prIEIE6':0! because of the fore ;o .t_{ fasts there no-L. exists
an emergency in the City of Kalispell that reouires i:,:tediate action,
1. That an emergency now
the City of Kalispell! Montana
to prevent a r,ossible outbreak
City of Kalispell.
er:ists and that all dogs within
must be licensed and vaccinated
Of the disease of rabies in the
2. L'-:ery person who owns! keens or harbors a dog in the
City of Kalispell roust annually obtain a license therefore from
the City Treasurer or ooundmaster, and shall ray for such license
the seam of one dollar and fifty cents (01.50) for each doge and
spayed female do and ten do7.1a_s (4'1"00) for each female dogs
and all licenses issued hereunder siiall expire on the 31st day
,-if Larch of each year;
3. Provided that no licenses shall be issued for any do,u
until the City Treasurer or Pond er has been furnished i,:i h
a certificate fror.1 a licensed veterinarian that such do has been
vaccinated atainst rabies ithin sixty mays ', _I.i.tel, preceding
the auplicat9_on for such li�cc_n_se a_�:d ��rovided further that no
Licenses siZa11 be iss,isi for a spayed female tor^ until the City
Treasurer or Pound::laster bee: fi;rni.shed with a ce_:'tificate
from a licensed veterinarian that such female do- has ;,een spayed.
4. Any Person vrho ovins! _peens or harbors a dog in the
City of Kalispell w_-thout first obtainin;- a license therefore shall
be eulty of a misdemeanor and o co :'ictiJn thereof shall be
fined in any amount not to :-:teed
5. That all ordinances or Potts of ordir-antes in conflict
herewith are hereby repd!aled.
6. That by reason of the facts herein slat d an emergency
is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shal_1 beco.e effective
upon its passage and approval and the Clerk shall cause the same
to be published in the Dail:- Inter LaC,.e for at least three nub-
l.ications ber•,inning the 2%th day of Ia1arch! 1951i
PASS D DY T112 CI!'Y COUI;CIL i:,y more than two-thirds of the
members thereof and approved by the laa;ror this 26th day of 1,11rch,
H. Loberg
City Clerk