Ordinance 609 - Designates One Way StreetsiTT'N y.W ORDTLIA'10E P?T:sITI 609 AI; ORDI�IAIICE DLST'='dA�1`II':iG CE11TAIP. 0-E-J;Ai ,,TI',i �,- � �'�='�iD i�LLLYS IN THE CITY OF YkLIoPELL 1.Z PtOVIDING FOR THE':IARII11C OI THE a1:1' ALSO PhO IDIP:G ruI uIH ILf,=G OF C11JTI07J AIH) S'201 SIi S Iw " " CHIIGF OF 1'JLZC 1 D,r; 1TC- liS PLACES -.i i 1i CITY OF I'L : ELL i'POIT TiTll APPROVAL BY 'Si s CITY COUNCIL AIID DECLLIl lid All, i'1,L_.G ',CY AND Pi OVID1 M i'EITALTY. Y IT i D'IIf"D `3Y THL CITY C0TJIIC]:L OF TTIE CITY OF I r'. ��ELL: Section 1. All vehicular travel On Second z v -.r?ae fast bet-ween Second Street East and 'oorth Street East shall be frOm t e the north of the sand n person .i shall I:ind of vehicle nurtherizJ on any motor v hicle� bicycle, or any other said portion of Second Avenue East. Section 2. All vehicular travel betucen i�iglitli Street and ninth Street on the '.,Vest side of and through the courthouse ,rounds7 through the courthouse grounds that is to say the semi -circular loolo that of I:'ain Street just north of the courthouse connecting portion Xith that ortiou of 'ruin Street just south of the courthouse shall be from the north to the south and no y,erson s1a11 drive or operate any rlotor w-;hicle, bicycl.el or other vehicle of any kind from the soiit'i to the north on such road. Section 3. Ali vehicular travel between Street and Ei hth Street on the e.st sidd of and throu„h. the courthouse Too-.) through �,he courthouse rounias that is to say the semi -circular =aids connectin, that portion of Lain Street just ort-1 of the COL1I'4-hoU.Se shall oe from the SOU4- t0 �Y-e nOrt LT ne driv: operate any motor vehicle, bic,,nIPOothervehicleC1E3 s'nall or kind from the north to the south on sac',.: road. of any Section 4. That rroceeding south. no left turn shall be ',.ain Street and Ei-nt'a Street just made at the intersection of north of the covsthol-se and proceeding north no left turn shall be 11ade at the irtersect�.or�. of LainStreet and fl'.ir!th Street at the south of said courthouse grounds. Section 5. All vel:licular traffic on the alle*r bet:',leen First Avenue East and Idain Street betaoen Fourth Street and First Stroat shall ',e from tl:e _forth to the south and,no :person shall drive or opera"�e any motor velricle, bicycle, or an7l Dther vehicle of any kind from the south to the north on suc'�.;�ortion of said alley. Section 6. All vehicular traffic on the alley between First Avenue �pst and Main Street between Pourth Street idest and Railroad Street shall be from. the south to the north and no person shall drive or operate any motor vehicle, bicycle, or any other vehicle of any kind from the north to e south on such r)ortion of said alley. Section 7. The Chief of Police o- the City of Kalispell shall appropl'iatel- -lank all of the streets, alleys and Maces mentioned in Sections 1 to 61 both inclusive, tiri"h directional and Other s1j11s so t,s to onable the ;.r1.'.-e'-'s 'Ji iaotor Vehicles to comr;ly .with this Ordinances. Section 3. The Chief of Police shay_ also from tirsc to t:iie designate and aopro7rlatcly mark with stop 'iFns Or caution sis;ns all hazardous L- lerscctions -)r otl er 1 ar,_,ous in Kalipe7.1, 1:Iont�;na. I.oi:iever, r,e£ore such alaces o1 an, of there shall be raarl.edl the said Chief of Police shall report the said proposed desi^nath^s to the City Council and recoive "lie approval of the Council. 110 person shall operate any motor ?;cclic:Le� bicycle or other vonJ clo in violat or of any of such stop or caution si r_s. Section 9. Any person violating any of t'.ie »rcv-.sions of 1, ; 6n�s ordinance sha11� upon convictuon%thereof� be prnished by ire of rot less than $1.00 nor more than ; 150.00 or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days or Loth such fine and imprisonment. Section 10. Any ordinance or parts of o!di=nc: s in co 1_ict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 11. An ur;ency and emergency is hereby declared to and does exist. Section 12. This oru_r_o ce snail be in full force and effect from arc after its a.ss� and approval. Passed by the City i a Cl' of Gilt' City of Lajig,ell, o,,t;:,na this 24th day of 0ctobe—q 1-9j' Approved t she 951�� re (J1u F Of liar i 9��B11 is ont n d this 4„h day of'��uner, j1. D. " _ r ode L:ayerr ATTEST W. � - City Clerk is W. H. Loberg, City Clerk of he City of ;ali ;;e11 io ,t..na 9 do hereby ce-tif t: on e 1 o Oc io S1 1 posted a cop.,, of the fo ego i _ E ord n office _: e re awned �ost:d for a period _ fi daysand o.ono a name true_ c0py of `she Or"inancc M Passod 7 the 'City Conncil.J 1 1