Ordinance 608 - Establishes School ZonesOi DII.U,?NCE 1 LTA; 608
All ORDLdFIIC] IL E .D . 4 SLCTI017 267 0I' uI -'L ri..,�;C 7 :LLI? 'iFIE REVISED 0 b=1"I,- Tj I Ole T L CTT-, OF r.,,Liur'ELL OF 1�4��LP SS D
a:.D A?P,OV:,D P , L 14, 1947 r �'�'._l�_Li,G TO SPEED LL [IT'S CITY OF : A _''ELL n_L C: �Cl r II:I THE
lr,of t,LD LI]7I'I'S �v,, IY �• T� :O T I'
uus L?:, T u 1L r r
:... ''.O TDING PL s-,l OVT .. 'I. . :rD LI CLi--I G H1 tC
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a T OLD I aJ C OU I C I L 0 F C!'.Y OF ..
Section 1 Iio erso,l shall. operate o" CLive r:n nntor vehicle
on the public hl;,n',;ays mi_ the Cit- of i_aris�e".l at a rate of Sneed
faster than trent -five 2 r ? e ( 5) d by e .;our; or through school zones as de ignaI ar and s rjes, rJ rE C'iief of Police, or to o.; h
other ' stricted areas as dESi"
rat c , marled by the Chid of
:'olice at a _Fate :)f sne ,: ^
1' "lan fifteen (15) miles Tier hou";
or in any case at c. a ye , eeO -
-�L '3ill E"Q:.n";er the '-!ro --erty
Of another the 1ii: or lr_:S o-' any -oe_ an.
Section 2. The C.Zief of %olice Shall :ies-i. nate r:r_d a,,; tely mark all chool ,r,g an'' ocr
establish so ., 1 ric ., c9 za_es that Pie may
- r.iC.C4 areas are
clearly ciescernabiE to ti=e o.rrator of vary rotor : ,hicle.
Section 3. TE:at no
d atr;
on of
the C:;E restricta area a cnool ^n or other
oce s ].all 'o effective until
rEl:Orte'd t0 3'.1d a�.?p_ �'e C: by tiiE Cj t`" COL nci1 .:nd "�,,r0 ia-`el g asked or. he ;roun,7 by ns.
Section 4. Any
t_._s ordinance sh::117
person z- i of at
an Of ' �
J i e rot slr,s of
ine of not less than
u,,)on cor ct on
thel eof be nr , � n
fi ' n d by
ment for a per...od n.)t
and imprisonment.
o� ,:, , a
o ?150.00 or o a,rison-
c.:.ceedir_; ninety ( ) c' rs or ao,h
a such fine
Section 5. AL
herewith are hereby
ordinanc:.s or na
is of orcinances in conflict
Section 6. An ur
and does exist.
;ency and e; er--enc-- is hereby decla :�ad to
Section %. This Orlin:-nce shall be in full force and effect
from and after its passe e and a ;royal.
?assed by the City Co,, ;cil_ oi' the Citl- of hag _s el 1,
this 24th day of October2 1951.
Approv^d by- the _aa; or o-r the City of i:a'_`.s-e_
this 24th dais of Octoner� 19511� -: 1s F:nag
D. 71. I,IcBride
L ayor _
17 s Il".
do hereby
Boberg C tI' Cle' L O
cc til
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ire �'cr ,o'_ri ,ldi :
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�ObC ' ,osted
rer aimed
ostc :
u o a e or; a
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of .P_.: L a uc
a„ _ a
_:-� City Council.