Ordinance 607 - Police Take Possession of Minor's Car After Certain Infractions84 ORDI 'f.I';CE Iic. 607 i pL I . ". CE 'RG 'ID_._:G T"r`_AT 1 OLICE S1 ALL TAKE POSSI,NSIO'_'i OF 1. 0TOR �IiICLES DP�IV'I3 B" j'L ISO�u iJIdllLFI"S C OP' LlU=T ��!'1 Ind VIOLATION 0, CERTAIII GPlDT1, 1,CES Ji THE CITY 01 1C'LLI EI-L5 ,GVIDIidG FOE, S OiL'.GE ID Cif ES `�I ' �:EFJ�,' PP.OVIDII G FOR ���yICE HE ODI T 0I1 OFi ICEt JI 'Lft l ,1EAD CJU r= A1,D PI-{OV17I dC .'O i 11 P"r'.L ASE 01+' S;jC-H I:ZOTOE V.1EHICLES BY O:�DITI OF THE PROB';'IOII O'CFICEi' T- D UPUN EIj �l"�Ef�L�r'G AL �IIi? r' „'iL 1� 1DCPA?T r 0 ^' 0I 1:..I'CLS 1rI GO_j ', ICT I r i �L CPC Y. DE OI',D( I'I";D DY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF KALISP211L. , SEC'TIOII 1. Any ',)oLiceman or police officer of the City of Kalispell, at the time of a'jDreher_�di-ng any person under the a,r;e of e_.^hteen years in the City of Kalicpell for an alleged violet on of st_c'i person Of the ordinances of the City of Kalispe!_1 relat:i_n� to reckless driving, speeding, drunl_en drivin,:,j and runnin^ stop signs or any or all such alleged violat'_ons, shall take from such person the possession of the au',oiilobile with thich he co,,irnitted such alleged offense, if such _)erson is then in nosr.essioo of said motor vehicle Suckj officer shall then safely store said motor, vehicle in a public K;arale or war house in Kalis_ael1� ',i:>ntana� or on city pr.-)perty the storage charges shall be the amount char,,^_.ed by such ;-arage or warehouse3san, or if stored on cLty property the storage charge shall be ,1�2.00 iPer day fiuring the time the vehicle is in such storage; also in case such motor sJohicle -=.-.i )t be driven to such storage 11 but nest be towed then the flowing charges shall be the actual cost thereof. SECTION 2. The Chief of Police of the City of I:alis ..,e..1 or the officer taking possession of said .rotor vehicle as aforesaid - shall thereupon 'Lmmediately comply with the juvenile '_a-., o_' the State of 11ontana by ;living notice of such 1lered of 'ense as required by such javenile 1a�'j and in add tior_ shall nr, t1pt1 notify the probation officer of Flathead Co -linty of such alleged offense, and in such notice shall descr.i e the motor vehicle to =, the name of the person from ifroli � ,as ta'_�.en, the ,axtic11.17 a- a] end violation of the city ordinances al,lc od to have been committed ley the driver of such motor vehicle, to -ether with the name of the of11_ce;° taping nossess__on of such vehicle. SECTION 3. said .,rotor vehicle shall not be released by the ~o1.ce department e:-cept upon an order of the nrobatior_ officer and upon )1,ayilnlent of all charges for Cowin;_, and storar^e of said motor vehicle. SECTION 4. Any ordinances or pa is of ordinances in conlict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. An urgency and emerf;ency is hereby declared to and does exist. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in full force end effect from and after its pnssa"e and approval. Passed by the City Council of the City of Kal-ep_ell, 'rlor_tana this 1st day of October, 1951. Approved by the Itlayor of the City of Kalispell Iort.-na this lst day of October, 1951. D. I.:. McBride PJiayor ATTEST ',i. I1. Boberg City Clerk I, '.'1. H. Boberg, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell '_,"ontana do hereby certify that on the 1st day of October, 1 r1� I ;;osted a cor•r of the foregoii' ordinance in my office and the same remained posted for a neri.od of five days and fore; -;oil is a ' true copy of the ord rance as passel bb I X", ity,Counci_. ty Cler. of the C,[ty of Iialisnel_1, 1v_on7.