Ordinance 601 - Tax StampsI, 'JJ. H. Uoberd, City Clerk of the City of Kalisz ell, �;ontana
do hercby'eertify that on the llth clay of April, 1951, 1
postr�:'l a copy of the foregoing Ordinance io. 601 in my office and
the same remained ;osted for a pe.ri.od of five days and the fore-
�oing is a true corn of the ordinance as passed by the City Council.
6ectlon i. under and_by virtue of the authority granted by an !
Act passed by the "Lontana Legislative--ssembly of 1951, and signed
by the Governor, from and after the 15th day of May, 1951, no trade
stimulator, including punch boards, pull cards, articles and similar
devices, as referred to in end as speci_ied in Title 34, Sections
5701 and 5702 of the 11evised Codes of 1dontana, 1 471 or any amend-
ment thereof, sha.i7. be exhibited nor shall any person, firm, associa-
tion or corporation be interested in the exhibiting of the same, or
exhibit the same or cause same to be exhibited in the City of halisuell,
iontana, without havin„ affixed thereon in a c;nspicuo;,_s place a ise
Tax Stamp placed thereon by the exhibitor showinF the payment of such
use tax. Said use tax shall, at such tirie, be simultaneously cancelled
by said exhibitor indicating by uneraseble writing over the face thereof,
identified by his initials and the date of cancellation on e�cl. stamp.
Such 'Wic-Lax stamp shall show that a spe-ial tax has been paid thereon
at the true rate 'hereby levied and iriros�_ d in the almoant of tyro per
cent 06') of the value of the total number of s-;ch 'cabs, tickets,
pellets, punches or si_..ilar things on the board or the full cash return
of such trade stimulators to the exhibitor, as co puled by the purchase
price posted by the exhibitor as the going price of each rnudbered
ttecket, variegated symbol, taken or its ecuivalent;
Shdtion 2. The City Treesuer is hereby au6'_ori-zed and empowered
to provide such use tax stamps, in such design, title, forms and
denominations as will be a:: -I rropria.te, is hereby char;',ed viith the duty
to sell the same for cash and to collect the moneys therefor, and
shall within thirty (30) days from such sale place the proceeds from
the sale of such use tax stamps to the general fund of the said City,
crovibd, however, that out of said proceeds the Llayor and City Council
be and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay on clairas regularly
presented against said City and approved by the Mayor and City Council,
the costs and expenses of administerinC the provisions of this act.
Section 3. Any person, firm association or corporation violating
any provision of "Lis Ordinance, lailing to purchase and have affixed
and cancelled thereon such use tax stamp on any device or article
referred to in the foregoing sections, re -using of any such cancelled
stamp on other than the original trade stimulator, or perm." ti.ng r..nors
to patronize such a trade stimulator or article, shall be ron'Ity of
a misde,:ieanor and ui?onn conviction shall pay a fine of not to exceed
Three hundred Dollars (('?300.00) for each separate offense or by imprison-
ment in the city jail for a period of not exceed. inety (90) days,
or by both fine and imnrlsonmentq Any pdilice officer encountering
any such article without such stamps affixed ti)ereto shall tal7e
possession of such article and same may be used as evidence of such
PASSED BY the City Council and approved by the 11ayor this 9th day '
of April, 1951.
F. H. I:eller
AT'TI;'ST: W. H. Beberg
City Jerk