Resolution 792 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 20PM,uSOLUTIOTT TM. '192.
A Resolution e,,-Itimating the cost of lid;htinC;- Special district
number Twenty of the City of ha,licpell, for the year 1920, and. lev -inf, y _, arid
assessing all the property within the said dis,,"Xict with the cost of liGht-
ing said district.
Section 1. The cost of liL�,hting District lfwnber Twenty of
the City of lailispell for the year 1920 is estiruated to be 99.00.
See -Lion 2. A tax is,-, nereby levied and a,,sessed capon all the p operty
in the said disty ict for the miount of the e,,,timated cost of light-
ing the streets therein by apportioxiin,, -to the several loto, and parcles of
land within the said district:
( Reference is iiereby made to the original Resolution or, file and of
record in the office of the City Clerk for a specific description of the
property mentioned in t1je above district.)
Section 3. The tax hereby levied becom(�s delinquent ?,,t six o'clock
P.Y,,T,. on te 150th day of November 1920.
Section 4. Reference is hereby M<de to Resolution of Intention to
create IdEliting Diotrict Number Twenty for further particulax.3.
In?,-roduo,ed Sept. 27, 1920 and set for liearing Oct. 4th, 1920 at 7-30
o'clock P.M.
Attest, J', H. Clririster,,3en, City Clerk. R. Pauline, 11.ayor.
Adopted tlu%s t]ae, 4"Uh day of Oct. I'DWO.
Approved this the 4th day of Oct. 1920.
Attest: J. H. Christensen, City Clerk, 11. Pauline, mayor.