Resolution 799 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 32M 1011GOLVION No 79V A Resolution estinating the cost of lij�hting Special Licliting d1is- trict number thirty two of the My of Amlispoll, for the year 1920, .and levying and assessing all the property within the district with the cost of lijatin, �: said district. IDE IT 11103OLVED BY 177.", CITY COUS,,'CIL 0*-' '71M, CITY 010' Section 1. Me cost of 11,lating Lit,htin6 District N'jzaber Thirty Two of the City of Kalispell for the your 1920 is estim,-ted to be i; 197.34 Section 2. A tax is hereby levied and assessed upon all the J)'rop- erty in the said lir,'IatinG district 1' or the he <)Zaouylt of 'C'ne e'�tjysL�-Led Cos"; of lighticy, the streets therein by apportionin6,, to the severz�j lots a$,.Ld parcels of land within the said district as follows, to -wit.: (Reference is hereby ra'iade to t.Lae �esolution on file and. of record in the office of �the City Cleric for a 61)eOific descrijition of the PrOPOrty mentioned Q the cGove district,) Section 3. Tj"s.e trox 'Itereby levied beccmqes delinquent at eix ocjc0,,c P.M. on the 30th day of JIovoyaber, 1)120. Section 4. �eference is hereby mude to 1;esoiution of Intention to create Lihting Diotrict 'Awnbe- ,r. '.Ojairty Two fax further P�orticulnxs. Introduced Ampt. P761 vmd rMt for Oct. 4th, 1-920 at 7-30 o'clock P.1.2. Attest; J. 11. Christenoel-1, R. Pauline, 1:Eayor. City Clerk. Adopted this the 4th d:!y of Oct, 3,920. A:IjProved this the 4t:i day of Oct. 1-i20. Attest: J. Z. Christenr>en, City Clerk, R. Pauline, -ayor.