Resolution 800 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 33A Resolution the, cost of Special Li,htinc district `"umber T_1niT,ty Three of the City of for the year 1920, and levyin1g, and. assessin�,, all the property within the said dist- riot with the cost of li-,,htin­ diotrict. BE IT MMOLVED BY TH11 CITY C01TINICIL OF Tlfl,'� CITY OF KALISIIELL: section 1The cost of, li;:kItir,,g District Nwidber Thirty Three of the City of Kalispell for tiile year 1920 is estima,ted to be 197.34. Section 2. A tax is hereby levied and assess3ed upon all the prop- erty in the Oistrict for the mnount of the e-,timated coot of lit ;hti-m� tho streeto t'lerein by to the several lots and p,,-,rcels of 1.mu' within the said, district. (Roference is hereby mode to the oriLinal 'cesolution on file and of roe ,ord in the office of taie City Ulerk for a opecific descri.14ion of the property in the n1ove mentione(I district.) section e C s ection 3. The tax hereby leviod becowes delinquent @,t six o 1, 1 c P. V . on the; ',50th flay of Novem-ber 1920. Section 4, Reference i3 hcreL)y r1s,cie to Re,,,,oljition of Intention t( cre,ate District -nunber Thirty Three for farther pz�rticu-1,-jrs. lntroduce4. Sel'?t, 27th and sot for IteEtrin.­ Oct. 4t1�, 1920, at 7-30 o1clock P.11. Attest: J. H. Christensen, City Clark. R. Pauline, 3.1,,yor. Adopted U.Js the 4th d,-,,y of Oct. 1920. Approved this tie 4th day of Oct. 1920. Atte-t: JH. Christen, en, City Clerk. R. Pauline, 1,1o,yor.