Resolution 796 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 29R,T,SOLUTIO',�T No. 796.
A Resolution e,,timatin.J the cost of li�,,htinG Special Ji�,hting district
nuriuer Twenty Nine of the City of &oiispoll, for the year 1920, and 1eVyin(,-,r
and as,essing all the property ivithin the seid district ,,,,ith the cost of
1ii,-,d1ti-n6,P said district.
Sectd.on 1. Tile cost of lig,"iting Lic,,-)lting District IUmber Twenty Nine
of the City of Kqljspejl for the year 1,920 is cstimiated to be $99.00.
Section 2. A tax is hereby levied and as�essed upon all the, property
in the said, ligliting district for the amount of the estimated cost of li6ht-
ing the streets therein by al)portioninL� to the revoral lots and parcels of
land v?ithin the sn,,id district as follovi-,, to -wit;
(Reference is hereby' made to the oriLJ-nal Resolution oji file and, of
record in the office of the City Clerk for a specific description of the
property embraced in the above mentioned. district.)
Section 3. The tax hereby levied beoomes delinquent at six o'clock P.
IT. on the 30th djLy of November 11J20.
Section 4. Reference is :hereby made to 11csojjation of Intention to
create Lighting District Number Twenty 11ine for further
Introduced Sept. 27, 1920 and set for Uct. 4t1,1, 192-0 at 7-30
o "clock
Attest. J. -i. Christenoen, City Clerk, T,!ayor.
Adopted this the 4th d y of bct. 1920.
Approved this t1ne 4th day of Oct. 1920.
Attest: JH. Christemsen, R. Pauline, I'ayor,
City Clark.