Resolution 794 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 27A Resolution estimating the cost of lightinL Special Ji6-,'hting dist-r'itct
n=ber Twenty Seven of the City of Kalispell, for t]-Le ye,,ar 1920, and, levy-
ing and asses:.Jng, all the property within the said district with the cost
of oRJLd district.
Section 1. The cost of lirj-iting Li�'iitinc, District Number Twenty Seven
of the City of xalispell for the yeax 1,920 is estimated to be �231.34.
Section 2. A tax is hereby l(17i0-d anoes,;ied upon all, the property
in the said district for t"10 amount of the esti'm-_�ted cost of li��"ht-
ing the otreets t-lierej,n by apportionin&; to the oeveral lots and parcels of
land wit",iin the wlid alstrict.
(Reference is Uereb.v made to t1ie ori.-Anal hesol.aation on file and of
record in the office of the City Clerk for a specific de.,,cription of the
PTOPerty ernbraced in the above mentioned cIistrict .)
Section 5. The tnx hereby le -vied oeco'mes delinquent at six o'clock
P.11. on the 30th dety of Novem'Ler, 1920.
Section 4. heference is lLere'b-
i made to Hezolution of Intention to
create Li,htin Di:,trict Number Twenty Seven for fu3:'thor 'purticulars.
e Introduced Sept. 27, 1920 arid set for hearinL; Oct. 4tn, 1920, at 7-30
0 clock P.11.
Attest; j. 'I. mirgitensen, city cjerk
R. Pauline, 14",Ryor.
Adapted this tile 4t"d di Ay of Oct. 1920.
Aj)proved thjs the 4tli day of Uct. 1920.
Attest: J. P,. R. !',aa.uline , Uayor.
City Clerk.