Resolution 793 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 23m
11111SOLUTION NO. 795-
A Resoliition eotiin,,ting tile coot of liFhting Special Lioliting district
PU�w TwQZ,llreo or t110 My Q1 JZliopull, for UQ yeU 140� ally 11�Yy-
ing and assessing all the property within the said. district with the cost of
lighting said district.
BE IT R2,301,V10 BY iHECITY C0',1NCIL Or T!111 CITY OF
Section 1. The cost of lightinDistrict -Llimber Tylenty tkLree
of the City of Yalispell for the yeLr 1920 is estim-uted to be $'99.()0.
Section 2. A tax is vLereby levied and. asse'sqed Uporl all the property i
in the said district for the vzount of the, esti.molted cost of li.C,,ht-
ing the streets therein be apportionir.�,-,� to the ,,everal lots and parcels of
land within the said district.
(Referonce is hereby nia,oe to the original Reroliation c)ri J'j.Ie anc Of
Record in the office of the Uity Clerks for a opecific description of t1j,e
property e2obraced in the above mentione�l district.)
Section 3. The tax hereby levied loecomes delinquent at six o'clock
P.17. oil the 30th dly of 1,10veriber 19""101.
Section 4. Jeference is 'nereby 'n�, de to Resolution of Intex.ticyl to
create i,i�IIting Oistrict Number ftclilty Three for furthej�
Introduced Sept. 07, 1920 and set for 'llealrinL9 Oct. 4, 1920 at 7-30
oclock PaT.
Attest; J. H. Christemen, city Clerk. i1® PaLaline, Jj,-Lyor.
Adopted this the 4th day of Oct. 1920.
A-ppro-ved to is tbo 4th day of Oct. 192,0.
Attest! J. A. uhri.,;tonsen, City Clerk. R. J_Tayor.