Resolution 791 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 1623 SOLUTION INO. 791. A Resolution estimating the cost of lightinb�, Special c;.istrict number Sixteen of the City of Kalispell, for tne ye�,,ir 1920, and levyiyl2 and assessj.n6 all the proporty within the said. disti.-ict with the cost of in, said district. HE, IT RESO-1VIED uY TH7, CITY COONCIL o: Tin!, 'CiTY OF i�,ALI-')PELL, Section 1. The cost of lighting hightinf-,,� District Numl,er Sixteen of the City of Kalispell for the year 1920 is estimated to be 363.00. Section. 2. A tax is hereby levied and. assessed. i,�pon all the property in the said litrshting district for the amount of the estiriated coot of light- in the streets therein by apportioni.nL to the several lots arid. parcels of land within the said d1iotrict as follows, to-lvit- (Roference is riei,.,eby made to the aric-Jnal liesolution on file and Of record in the office of the City Clerk for a specific ae.;cription Of the property in the elsitrict above mentioned.) Section 3. The tax hereby levied becorke-, delinquent at six olclocl< P.M. on the 30th d-ay of '.,�Ovember 1920, Section 4. Aeference is hereby rac(, Ie to '�esolution of liltention to create Lighting Di,,.,trict Number Sixteen for further particulars, Introduced Sept. 27, 11920 and -et for Xlea,ring Oct. 4th, 1920 at 7-30 O'clock P.M. Attest: J. Christenen, aity Clerlc. R. Pauline, T,"Iayor. Adopted this the 4th day of Oct. 1920 A.)proved this the 4th day of Oct, 1920. Attest: J. 11. Christens -en, City Clerk. It. 11,,ivIine,