Resolution 798 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 31Rfli,SOL�JTION 110. 798. A Resolution the cost of lighting Special Li�hting Dictrict numbf,r Thirty One of tile City all Kali.spt�jl, for the year 1.920, and. levying and assesoing, all the property Within the said district with the cost of lig hting said district. Bj-] IT RP,`80JV--,-D BY THI,, CITY COUITCIL 01,' THE CITY OF KALI,,P11LL- Section 1. The cost of li��Jitiijg J,ihting District Eunber Thirty one of Lhe City of !talispell for the year 1920 is e,,,3timated to be Section 2. A tax !,, hereby levied and assessed upon all the property in tile 9,aid lij-ltin6 district for the amount of the estimated cost of liGht- in6, the strects therein by apportiomi.n6 to the -,everal lot.s, and parcels of' land within the said district as: (Refarence is hereby made to the original �e,�ulution on file and of :l,eoord in the office of the City Clerk for a specific descx'iption of 'tile property embraced in t'ae al -,are mentioned Section 3. The tax hereby lovied becones delinquent at six 0'cjocj: P.N. 01-1 tho 30th daY of' Noverdber 1920. Section 4. iieference io, IEaret)y nva(i.e to iiesnjl-jtion of Intention to create Li�;htin,, District Nurfl,'Or Thirty One for f urtner partic-,lass. Tn!,.roduced Sept. 27th 1920 and set for hearing Oct. 4th, 191110 -%t 7-30 O'clock P.M. Attest J. H. Chris-,tpnen, City Clerk. 1'1. Pauline, Jdayor. Adopted this ttic, 4th day of Oct. 1920. Approved 'this the, 4t'ki day of Oct. 1920. Attest: J. 11. Christemoen, City Clerk. R. Pauline, hlayor.