Resolution 520 - Result of Canvas of Votes - Water Bonds1,10. 520 A T11"I'SOLUTION DECIARI,140 TMII, Pl,�)IULT CF CAI:,VAI',s, of TIM ('A.T UPOIE T�;-V' 07 INDEBTOW NESS OF TIM CITY OR KALISPRII qVER END ABOVX THE 5 PER 099T. L11j'IT, �Y TEE USUMCM OV M DOLLAHS OF WAZT! BOWS, UST AT TPE IIIECJAJ: Ej McTjor IWIM ThM 26n] DAY OF 1913, UP011 T1114', PROPO'SITION. ldherea-o, the City Council in reFulgr cession fzssembled, t'his. ''qth dray of lc',eptembcr, beinp t-ne first ,ond.-ly f,,)fter ti"> Sl-)eoiell t",lection held on tlie 26t1i day of September, 1915, has publicly r anv,issed thj(a votpp (,'aSt pit SlAch election. -Be it resolve,, "by I the City Council or tale city of 1,,R]ispell: Section 1. That it is hereby declared by the city COUnCil, thIt tho result of t.h.0 canvlss of the Votes ("got upon the "Proposition to inn se indcbtednee,,s of tHc= City ():r Uontin5,i, over nl -ihove the tt'r, I , ,e , -)k ,V cent (3 per cent) limit fixed by lam by the isSusMce Of w�),tpr bonds of 9-Iid city to 'thee UPIOUnt Of (')ne Hundred 7evel'ity-five phousAnd Dollars (0175,000.00) to be urei for We purpose of Imrchqsing a wqter system now in use and operation in the City of Kalispell, by °ani thrcurtl v.,Iiich woter may be rupplied, 16o sjid city luld its inhabitnnto qnd scq-Liiring, q, ix- tcT, suP-Ply toFether witIl sucli property both reni ind , V ed by pe-rsonril �)s is now c)yn, the Sortheni ld"ho =Lnel ',,iontctna 1loy7exr Con,I)fIlly, the pre,,eylt owners of s!:jrj writ-,-c -,ystem, and a p,-,,rt of S.-all vrvwtor systerl, as will be necea.,,sf�ry for the opere�tjon of said Syste.-,,, which 9,Yst('111, 1.,,t" r supply and property, Mid NO KIM own ind 00=01 -nd devote the revenues Jeri-ved therefrom to the mewl of the debt incurred "erefOr Ry'd for the 9jrj)--,e of mak- ing certnin rleoe »Aa -r,e,)airs und for I e , (,, y , 'qu i pme 11 t at the pumping - stntion und I new res7orvc).ir for said syrte At the 0,pecial election held in the City of Kalispell, On Lhe ?6th 9s,y of, VoLeo ir, f�-or of the bonds.. ... , T 7 C) Pj 'Oteo oppoved to AW bundm ... ........ 127 TOt-q1 votes ................. S25 And the foref...-,oky; propositiol, to issue Of for 41°�L(: ;-pecified, is klc`r(�by declared to have been c,','kr'rded. by thP City Council this 21)tki day of Coptomber,21)1,5. Ap pr6era I Q e mMyor this 29tti d 41 -ATTFST ?--- 777-77