Ordinance 773 - Salary Ordinancee ORDINANCE NO. 773 AN ORDINANCE FIXTNG ?iITHIN LIMITS THE ANNUAL SALARY AND COMPENSATION OF THE FOLLOWING CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, AND EFPEALIMG ALL OTHER ORDINANCES It. CONFLICT ;IERE47IT I: BDP IT ORDAINED BY THP; CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, AS FOLI:OWS: SECTION 1. That the annual. salaries and compensation of the City Officers and Employees of the City of Kalispell shall be as follows, and where maximum and. minimum limits are established, changes within such limits may be made by the Mayor with approval of the City Council for those on an annual salary basis, and. changes within such limits may be made by the City Engineer for those on an hourly salary basis: SAIARY MINIMUM MAXIMUM PER Mayor $600.00 Month Councilmen 80.00 Month City Clerk 675,00 Month City Treasurer 500.00 Month Police Judge 325.00 Month City Attorney 350.00 Month Policemen Base Pay $550.00 Increment on $525.00 Base Month *Chief of Police Base Pay + 160.00 Plus Prior Years Service Month *Increment per Sec, 11-1815 RCM Ass't, Police Chief Base Pay + 70.00 Plus Prior Years Service Month Plain Clothes Officer Base Pay + 60.00 Plus Prior Years Service Month Police Sergeant Base Pay + 30,00 Plus Prior Years Service Month Police Patrolmen Base Pay Plus Prior Years Service Month Temporary Policeman 400.00 500.00 Month Firemen Base Pay 550.00 Increment on $525.00 Base Month Fire Chief Base Pay + lo0.D0 Plus Prior Years Service Month Ass't. Fire Chief Base Pay + 70.00 Plus Prior Years Service Month Captain - Fire Dept. Ba<;o Pay + 30.00 Plus Prior Years Service Month Fire Marshall Base Pay + 55.00 Plus Prior Years Service Month Training Officer Base + 30,00 + Rank + Prior Years Service Month Alarm Officer Base + 25.00 + Rank + Prior Years Service Month. Temporary Fireman 400.00 500.00 ?Month Health Officer 191.67 Month City Engineer 845.00 Month Stenographers & Bookkeepers 275.00 490.00 Month Water Dept, Sup't. 775.00 Month Water Dept. Ass't. Sup't. 3.67 Plus Prior Years Service Hour Water Dept, Meter Reader 2.75 Plus Prior Years Service Hour Water. Dept, Servicemen 3.56 Plus Prior Years Service Hour Water Dept. Temporary 3.12' 'four Water Dept. Utility Man 2.89 Plus Prior Years Service Hour Sewer Plant Operator 561.00 Plus House Month Seger Plant Ass't. Op. 3,121, Plus Prior Years Service Hour Street Foreman 735,00 Month Ass't. St. Foreman & Eng. 630,00 Month Parking Meter Man 500.00 Month Meter Maid 360.00 Month Grader Operator 3.56 Plus Prior Yea ;e Service Hour Grader Finisher 3,72 Plus Prior Year:, Service Hour. Shop Foreman 3.79 Plus Prior Yea= Service Hour ' Mechanic 3.45 Plus Prior Years Service Hour Operators 3.45 Plus Prior Years Service Hour Truck Drivers 3.222 Plus Prior Years Service Hour Garbagemen 3,22-1 Plus Prior Years .service Hour Part -Time Iaborers 3,12� Hoir Caretakers - Park 3.12z Plus Prior Years 'service Hour Caretakers- Woodland Park 3.17 Plus Prior Years Service Hour Increment for hourly employees will be paid at rate of 21z cente p?^ horn nor Year for each year of continuous service up to and including the �ntic„h yca. of service. 246 3 r r).:, O - Th5_r r , :;hall be in full fclxce and effcct from a'n,z a7:teG July 1, -- Ali_ Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith ,^re hereby I "d . .. I APID APPROVED TAT "_ 'PH DAY OP :;EPTI'MSLR. 1.969. George Beardslee, City Clerk of the of Kalispell, Me o cer- -y that on the 9th day of Se t mbar , 1969 , I post a copy of the foregoing ordinance in y of ce, and the ame remain posted for a period of five days, and the fore oing is a t e and cor ct copy.of the ordinance as passed by the City ncil. ty Cyle y off Kalispell, Mont