Ordinance 296 - Form of Warrant - Special Improvement DistrictsORDINANCE O. 296. AV 0111DINANC'N' 1110VID111C FOR P01111 FOR WARTWU IT !�!M BOND P-IM COUPOIE' FOR PAYIU,'!vT OF V(ORK 7')OTq:P A1111 I1,APR0V71V!,',I`T,.,) 1,1ADP, UNDER T'IE S11PC1AL LAI�V OF THE STA'V,? 07 �40NVI�A, III CYPCIAI, I)ISITRICTS, ME, IT ORT)AII€'!M BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF :CAI , I'l'I'MI, [,'ONTINA: Section 1. 'ITiqt all work done or improvenents made in Rny of t,?e npeci-ll improve"a("mit riistricts in t1le City of t.,,njeT, tj,j(, ,,ut',Writy of t>�e pecis)j jnlprov^Inent Law of tree rltute oC '.ontanq, sb,q2l be p9id for in ivrvrrtintb vJ-0 bonds �t j)�v -vi3\so in -with tlie furi,,i prescribed and the City Colincil in creating in, .1 v speciril im- pro,c!ent distrJct, shrsll deli rn-,Le �is to tlip iriT?rove- menu conri,)]-,ted �-,hnll be piid for in ivurr�ints or bondo qnd tlic term of yprirs over vyhicl-i the scwie PhR11 run. Section I ection 2. Said iv�irr�ints or bonds, f-aq the uy be, sTi=ijj to in the foilowinrr, form, to -wit. - Special Improv(�r.Iient :District 1;o. United ""Itnten, of AnioricFx. �,tnte rj�f �1110-ntan%. WurronL (01' Bond) NO. — Doll, gar s 0-- Intereot at the r,-vtp of 6% per Ryinura, pay9ble nnnuo)lly. Speciql Improvement District Coupon Warrant ( or Bond). 1onViina. Issued by t-he, City of Kalispell, Tie Treis-urer of Vfie City of 'Kalispell, !lontcina, v,,ill pay or to -7 —f)asoed on — is, 5,utl-iorized 7� resoli;l th,c -- daj( of ting Tpecial, 1tvprQve- meuL District lio. for the construction of the improve- Trient's und the vlor=Pa1-771-ed qs ljy said resolution to be done in sfa-Jrl 17,iotrJ1ot, -nri °)11 lqwo, resolutiDnr and ordi- nances rel�tilrl�- in Payment Of thel clontroot in accorli-ince therewith. 'The principal find interest of this W'Irr'llit (or bond) are pay-ble vat tlie office of, the Cit,v Trew,7ure- of K,'12- d s'd e 12 , 11"on t 1 11,1. . "his vvirr'tnt (or bonrl) leir;4 interest tl(�e -rate of six cent ((a,°�) per --,innum from the, wiato of reFistration of tkiis warrro.nt(or I)ond) as exgro,�sed herein, until the date c-illed f'or rede-,otion by -6-tie Cjtv TreisLurer, The interest on 'this ,V,3u�,4r b)W i s r annally On tln� V 7nnuary in e--achi year, unless paid previous, t1n.ere4vo nil is by tlic interest coikaons ��erf,to �ittacbed, hicla 1)e-3r the f-Ic-simile oirn—Mv,e of the `11,ayov and City Clerk. m This wrr�lnt (or bond) 1.9 redeemblo -,it the option of the City at ~my time there ire Bands to the credit of f5flid Ceti l Jmprovement District Fund for the redemption thevcmf, and in the M,,111nor pr -r ei , Qvjjed f'or the , etm,)' ion of the sn-me It is hereby Certified --And recited, that -fill things required to be bone gecedent to the ismiance of this, vv�rrmt (or bond), have been properly done, Ja-jppeaed -)nd been performed in the winner prescribed by the 1',nvs of ti',(, ,-;tate of 'Aont.mianei 'he reeolutiono FAnd ordinaices of the City of Kalispell, Tlontqrio, rel tin, 11 to the issuance thereof. I)ated -it Kalispell, Mont',Ina, this _ d-v of - __, 19-- CITY 01� 7JONTAITaA Mayor ATTE-')T;—,---, City, Clerk. Registered at the office of the City Treasurer of Kalis,pell, 14ontarm, this __ day of Ic City Tre,,�,nurer. Secti on 3, Coupons for the paymont of int-eree,t may be annexed to either warrants or bonds for the amount of interest due annually on the first 6Ry of Jmuory of' elch ye°irr until the 1,11,1turity of t;�P principril of sti,id warrant or bond !and is-3id coupon be of even date -And number r�th the warrant or bond and m�,-ty bear the f7,c-oimile sign-,lture of the Mayor and City Clerk and shall be'Ir coupon numbers, lwat no coupons fAnnexod to the f-,-Ame, iv-i-crllrat shr-M beer thb s��ime coupon number, Thnt such coupons sh321 be qub- st-.n'itially in the followjyig form: Coupon No.—_ Kalispell, Ta".ontanq, —'19— On Olornf3ry l-,t, 19_ the City "Pre-asurer of Kali pelf, :'ontnna, u0 t cads office in the City of Kuligpell, MIVontftnu, ill pay t be ar er, the sum of being the intereot on d,�-Le of p-viyylient on 'peciil Improvement !)istrict fund Warrant (or Bond) CITY 01' MOETANA BY—. 1jayor . City Clerk 5ection 4, This Or,iintince shtill be in full "o-rce ijjd cn"Cect f'ro-,j ifj(j =+ftcT, pq _fi-q C rind °I.Pprov-nl. , e Par,sefi by tile City Council day Signed and approved by the L"'Ryor tqis day U1 1915. Mayor AT TE, T City C]?rk