Ordinance 761 - Salary OrdinanceA M zjd WIT ORDIZAACH NO. 701 AN ORDINANCE FIXING W17M LL117S TM ANNYA7 SAL= AYD M&MATIOT &F TH.'' FOLLGAING CITY OFFICERS AND =10YATS OF TZE CITV OF VIISIELL, AND R&TVINC ALL OTHIR ORDINAYCES M CMVIC2 =27M SE 1T MAIN& BY TAS CITY COUNCIL 06 THE CITY UY SECTION 1, That the annual solaries und cf the MY Officers wMI Emplayncs of Clry of ,clisyell s4,11 to ns foijows, nnd where ranimuo =5. mi�'nun limits arc cStablishch changes VtKin sunh limits way be made by M, with approval OZ tho City Council for those on on annon! salary basis, and chEnvas wichin such linits nzy be made by the City &Sincar for those on an Adurly salary hasl 11yor 1500.On Councilmen 30 . 001 n City Clerk MOM City Treasu S 7 5 . P C,' �o M, 1-i !salt. Treasurer Police jud,-. City Attorney 011cemen 74, ?ar $50r.00 �sve hont'h, Chicof police 5CO.77 160VT Plus Eric: za En 10M.. Assit. Pol:ce CK�v 70,00 Pins Priov 12 SCZ4 Te Plain Cloth= 00 Cll�_' 66 ?1 Tins prior 'I forv- I my zl -0-Aean"', 30.. 2&ov 007S Trj�20 Police Pollec Vwrolv�- Ser-ion Tompowary palln a. n 500, Q400M Ae- Fire Chief 5Q., 160.77 7"%2 f �=a ScIv7so- yonah, As&t. Fire Chief 30.3� 70.7n 7n-a zz� . ".nos Eerv.cn V a 1 Captain T:za Lwyc. -77.107=71:0 �:11', - Fire Narshnil 7- 7 551i Zu; 74or V --c 777100 Training Officor 35.30 zase � �=A Prior yon"s - z ;Lca Alark Off icz: 25,73 Me 0 7,1� �Vor years Azilice Temporary Mrnn2n Health officel City &§W-7 Menographars Zookkeepers MCA': 5 5. 0C, Water Dept. svpitu Water Dept. hszio. 7�7't. My 0 S-Z-!Ce Water Dept. von:r ;�f.v inlor yv.�� . 7-lce Water Lept. Mus Prior Anrs Ley Ace E00-- Wacer Dept, Ynna-iry Water Dept. QS�T;; hz7 K4. �Ius P7,0V nice Fu�,_ Sewer Plan: Ojor.zor 535.0 Plus 7 1 S ,- Sewer Plant 000, jn� 257. Plus prior y1mrs S.Zvicz Fou-:. Street Foynwv-, MY`, !on:-, Asslt. St, 7��ayEn 1 L�n. 5 9 f j lal parhing Mocy 1 & voter 540", 13 5 G Pon a Grader Operacor 2.41 �Vzws sarvicu PC Grader Finish= 7 yoors swrye Pon— Shop Forena..-a Mns 2MY !�Irs Service h4chanic pl�a 7rior yep= t�7vice Hov�- Operators 0",z 3XV:-, ron- Truck Drivers GarbaSemen 3. Sub-Forennn 5 f.7vice Env- - Part -Tire Law incrCmOnt My n V oil! be paid i: wr�v n,Aa per hour 2of ycor Oor onch I r .1 v- zlnuOus Service V 10 nn of savvic C J"I -`.T"-'� 12�1'CCC'c ':7( 0 C, r (ml i a o!.,s or -)a r t s o rcl i' n Z� n c c i 3 U - U li 6 1, George,Beardslee, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that on the l3th day of August, 1968, 1 posted a copy of the foregoing ordinance in my office and the same rema sted for a per iod,�F..ive days and the foregoing is a true and correct the ordinance pa sed by the City Council. 41f 2/ 7