Ordinance 748 - Regulating FireworksU It ) ::Sz: obi Md aa , AN ORDL,',,NCE REGULA'I'INIG -1'­­-"­­X.S On, 111t7 1,"x- -- - 7 - - AS BE IT ORDAI-NTZED BY TI-1Z C-�TLY C'UDI'1-7 C- LC T Loki I It- z;ha," - -0 porat--ion oz- to px)0�3e; sell c,: o w.for at tall, or use wi,,Z1,iza the Clt-y� �:ny S ECI T 10 N 2 . T", -, t 10.3 iva co-,V6; jes pr;-,—�=cd for 'y by -0y tC, ca��z 110 ursc�d,, C--ho canos, or I-oy guns ir� c:-plo'.-vc�s Y f the sa,--, type of balloons wh�].ch� craci�ers to-zPedo,---s 0.,: 01:1hor f I L':�D cont-'---Uct ion and -.,,,-iy f ira- works containin- arty �DXPT10----^,Va Or a �,-, cz,, Notj�j-"rn3 lza t:1-1s, v�- suLsr other device rzo::a than Vv'anty- be construed as ap-plying to toy r)aPer caPs cOntain"' - 0 1 a five hundredths of a ograiz% Of --y7P*`0sivG si-iO P---- to the manufacture, stora4ZO, -sale Or U-Se of j-,-nals nace tizQ saf-3 ope�-:-atjon of railroads olr othiar c. as Of- Public Or as of the Un-i't-ed States or Of thIS State, nor applying to ths I itary fo�'c f Sid' to peace officcrs, nor "a prol-1-1biting thsale and use of bloa il c rt- ridges for ceremonial o- thoatrical or ath.!Gtic events. F C, UPC --I due applica-tion, issue a pom-it SECTION 3. The itY --o M Tayit to a properly qualified por�;On, for f-'rGWOZICS di, Y C y ac, .1 rest" lo�: io�L-js as n opzy�jon ol t�ja Fi-a Mar — Such perimits shall il'=,�rooa S1 L shall may be necessary to vroperly sa-LEeguard life and proPerty in each casef. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNI"71, OF 14:.HE CITY OF 1ULISPELL., 1,10NTANA, "11-IF0 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR, THIS 4!1-h day Of M,-Irch , 1968. x-, -Lay o A 7 -77 Cierk I. George Beardslee, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell$ Montana, do here certify that on the 5th day of March, 1968, 1 sted a copy of ihe foregoi po I ordinance in my office and the same r�pwined posted for a period of five days and the foregoing is a true . antk`co ect copy of the ♦ nce as passtl by the City Council.' of,Kal,ispell, Montana