Ordinance 747 - Advertisements for BidsUM A7 CADTIVIU] A !E7D!�; SVC01on 2.4 07 717 KALISPELL CITY 170MIna THAT 3IDS AUDI BE ACCEP770 M 27Z 02! MaK 7:33 P-7. 07 TM DAY MCT7WD 17 ME ED\: 37 27 ORDAIAM 3Y THE CITY OQUOL 07 TKE CITY 07 TAL197111, �?MANXI AR 7OLL073: WTIal of the ��MST .7 1 City Coal shn7 1 A�-" ananinj to no - (a) Alvertisepent for bits resuired; 702-0-tion". All con- trqcts for wort or, for suqQ1zs Er 15200i.i, Mien ey.cee&n th�� sum of one thousand dollars, must be let to the lowest res- wnhible bidder, and stall be adverti3ad in one or more news- nonnon ry`-�Oj tn the city Or such a periclas t�e C-7—'7 by 00.11..1ation may CL a O�nv' , n, hnwev - the council Aay postpone WtLM on any n�3� contract an - tac ncnt re7ula7 meeting afown LAU 4 recei`ire d'in res nse to such advertisement, and may rejac! any and all bids An,,��. roadvertinn as provided in this section. (b) Me shall advertise for bids. All contracts referrer.,1 mmittee or officer., to herein stall be by tne co jointly or severally, Olving control over the uork or ifs. at"rial, as tna city council may, by order or resolution, duly entara�_'- in its minutes, direct. Contents �nl form of adveptiserent. The advertisement required herein stall Ae in such fo2m MR-Tae officer or com- mittee having control over tta work or mat6rial may direct, and shall contain a general reference to the subject matter of the mroposed contract, its terms and conditions with such spec- ifications as the nature of the Ame will permit, or a deli g- nztion of tne place where suct specifications may be seen, and may require security to accompany ea3h bid; also a notice that sealed bids or 7roposals will be received theyacp Q the city cierh at his office unti; 7:30 P.M. of a day and date therein s9ecifies; also that the city raservea the right tb reject any and all bits. The advertisement shall show by whom it is ordered pub- lishad and shall be signed by the city clerk!. fer 7 (d), Time and manner of opening bidq MOM rere(_'t 777U city clert in,the to in this,,_l? ti n s: ! 1 be EpeTeU tH presence of the city council9 while ii actual session at any regular, adjourned or special meeting thereof. The city clerk shall not receive any bids left at his office after 7:30 I.A. of the dgy,specified in the adveltise- ment. He shall present and open bids received prior to that time at the first meetinZ held thdreafter. (a) Awardin7 of contract. After the bids referred to in this beeF-chLei' ej anj read in the presence of the councils the contract to which the same relate, shall be let or awarded by the officer or committae hivinq control of the Wort or Materinfs to the lowest responsible bidder, subject to the apjroval and ratification of the oouncil enter- ed on its minutes The award or lettin7 of the contract shall he made inmed- intely ow nithin such time as may be specifiDd by the council ,ft,p the �jn: for oyeminS the bids has been closet. I- C; 2­_ 01' C" C, to b e 0 vc� cL -7 4- 2 'e S'hp-,111 b n GI cl 1�7 C ler, t h a c m, 0 Of a lae,­bv -re-pealed'. r I" C-1 n r-,I-T n - -T- r17 "D o I C n C, '?, v Cry jn nun tr v ID A 71.1.-177 , I, George Beardslee, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, MoAtana, do hereby certify that on the 16th day of January, 1968, 1 posted a copy of the fore- going ordinance in my office and the s'ampe--remained posted for a period of five days -and the foregoing is a true('a�d "',,�rrect copy of th dinance as passed by the City Council.