Ordinance 294 - Tax LevyPM 2 9 4 . All 0111'DIE10"ICY VOJ� TITY 0],,' A 'PAX 15-02 T112, OF T11iE Op il,,. il1-S014 AGAIEST U11E CITY 07 TKALIS-PE,11,, 1'101vTAIrA. BE IT (ADANA) BY THE CITY MWIL 07' T'J:P, CITY OP !",AJ P`TRIL: moreas on the fifth My of Tune, 1913, a co'ctific9te WR'S fj]ed in the office of the city Clerk of the City of KRlisoeal, T,montqna, showla�- that ti,,c, City of Kajjspc1,,l, L'ontaina, indebted to 3,' , C, !ilson by re-ason of judgment in the Sum x4�- Do2imrs and it qppewring th.,,at there is not sufficient 7',101ley yl I - , Ll-le fund of tyres city of ER!ispeA, '"untgna, exclusive Uf the apprupriition for the cur-ent fiscal year, to My the 'w", that the rolioviriE,, ordint-loe, ')(,, (nnotod: 50C Q on 1, That there be ),nd hereby ds levied a tax On all of toe property of the City of Kalispell in With the asoessment of the dlen'r 191:), of one h,ilfl mills on each 3oll,,Ir of the aosooqed ValuRtion Vrlcreof, for the purpore of 13pulying, the s�tTap r,,hen collectid tor-.trd the P'lyrient of tlnc jilAf-,"ent of y1. C. !"ilson '1L-.1iy1nt tlno City of Kalispell . 11 Th°;3t the City Clerk bo Prid, is heroby quthuriOed to C.,',;-rtify taiq Levy to the; County Trp�.-imurer Of (,-UntY f Or WlccLion. Putsced by the City Council this second dfiy of September, A TT T A MRyor. City Merl- STAT% Cr MOITTANA, County of F1a4thead, City of Kalispell . 1, C. j. ldcAllister, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Klonti-ma, do hereby certify: that I caused the foregoing Ordingnee to be printed and posted for a period of five days as required in Ordill�.nce Vlo. 174 and that said ("Vdin-once remained posted for a period of five days; and that tPiere have been no changes or alterations rnade therein since the passage and approval tlereof by the City Council nor in the recording thereof. Recorded herein and this Certif'sate Mde this 12th day of September, 191J. City Clerk-