Ordinance 293 - Special Election - Contract with Power CoAr 0 0
L h 2 1 L A L .2 L, L R i: L El h 1�971
!CORD I.1, ., A,': Clli PR(j-V1-Da-,'G ]�OR TEF hULD11,G W' A SPECIAL
EUCTIUD upon tLe question of not, the of Kal-
ispell shall enter into a contract for tv pejajod of f,ve years
Wth the horthern Idaho and 11-,ontana Pos,-er Colap.lair wherein I
City of E-alispell obligates itself to t zch.a,se from sn,id 1,"orthern
idallu and L.ontana r. n rrer 00,,ripany all electric power niece nary for
tie ou.-.iping of NMer into the water system in Kalispell, Tv,ontana
at the agreed rate of one cent per Eilowatt-:.iour in accordance
with the terms of a c6ntract :ioretofore agreed utjon by the City
Council of the City of halispell and said 1Torl,.hern Idaho and
,ontana Power Company ora Aui;ust Eitz1, 1,13.
BF I,:' 0R3)Al-,,-MD 13Y TIM CITY COMICH, O:µ' TER CITY 011
Section 1" That it V, irecessary and desirable and
deemed for tle ",,ost interests of the City of Kalispell 1;y the
City Council that the City s,,LLall enter into a contr-ct with the
,:ortnern Idaho and 1,,ontana Po,.,,,,er Co�-,,ipa,ny for a period of five
years vriiereirl said L4tj shall itself to Pur(,,1,ase froa,-,
,uid 1,orthern Idaho and 1.1onta-ria Po--,er Coni:�)any all eliectric,
necessary for tii.e pumUin� of vvrater jz-ito the water oystera in
halispell, Lantana, at the agreed rate of one cent per Lilowatt-
hour, in accordaucc witli the ten;is of a contract heretofore
as reed upon August �6t-h, 1913.
Section That a ",pecial Election b47,lield in the
City of Halis"'Jell, ilOrltana, ,n the 2-6th day of September, 1913,
fox the purpose of the 'will Of tine to
be affected t1wreby, upon tAo question of vi,-,ether or not the
City of kaLlispell sLall enter into a conLract for as period of
five years with the lwrtherx� Idaho and Yointayltn po�f�er
ierein the said Cit, of Kalispell o6iigal,,es i htself to
from o0d Nor3tern Idaho and Lantana Po-er Coi,ipzny all electric
'Maower ,,Ccc�"Sary for the plaqPing Of water into t'he v�rnter o,,,,Stem
in Mlispell, Yontana, at the agreed rate of one cent per
hiluwatt-hour, in accordance with tiLe term.; of a contras Lere-
tofore agreed uyan between tla,e Cit,Council of tne City of
Kalispell and said 17ort1wrn Idaho and 1',u-ntana Fo,,cr on
Awyet M, 1913.
section 3. hat the t i ri i e a n d ;)face of 1 it aaici
electio7 siall -be as follows: in the Citi of "aliopell, '--ontana
01. tie 31';`UL Of SCI)t0i;fber, 11i13, fror�i eig ,ht o'clock. A. T:-
to six ol(-loc-',� 1�. I . of said day and the places fo:.' votngf at
zach electicn shall 'L-e as follows:
1'irst %!nrd: West Hotel on ?irst Street between 1'irst
Avenue Fast and S'gcond Avenue East.
Second "Ward: Police CD,rt Room in the Cit,-i L"Ill.
I - -- , utLs,ize."�t col'ner
1 -, i r d W'o, r d : Lalip�pcll CollegC , SC,
of : ain and Six& Streets.
Section 4. Tliat the ballot to be used at such
election small be Gi ordinary viaite paper four inclies -,y P, :i x
Whes in size and siiaa.11 tie-' priii-Led in the foril.
Proposition of w ether or not B,Lo Ci!,y
of Kalispell shall enter ;nto a CGtxact, for
a period of five years �T,,ith tLl.e I'loctliern Idaho
and 1,ontana Pover Coi,-,jpany ,uiierpin Said City of
Kalispell obligates itself to purchase from
said Towthern Idaho and ','ontnna Pot-xr CoLlany
all electric Dower necessary for the piAmping
of %1,atter into the water syotei,,-. in D�Uispell,
I,_ontano, at te agreedrate of oche cent per
E,il0Vfatt-h0Ur, in accordance With the teriiris
of a contract heret.ofore ,,,grecd upon between
tilie City of Dtlispell and said orthern Idaho
and ,:ontana Power Ca:ipztrlon Au(-,ust 26th, 1915.
he elector must �make a cross thus X opposite the
LInswer for which he intends to vote.
That the C 1 ty " I - rl� I C �mdl i 9 ' Y -,CM �Jection b . L) 0
autharied -- �,and directed to give the notice of said election
required by, law, which said notice olull be ir- Lhe following
110TICE 1") JJMRMLY G1173i;'," t:_a3,t " Special Election Shall
be ILeld in the Cit;), of h.aliopell, :,:ontana, en t]'�e 2,6�,h day of
September, 191:5, from eiCht o'clock A. L . to six U'Cloclr P. 11.
of said day, for tI-e purpose of to the tax I,a,_,erss
of said City qualified to -,'Ote tiLereofl I-C qW3estiOn of
or riot the Cit„ of 1,.alispoll shall enter into a contract for a
period of five years with t13e 1,`ortI=n Idaho and Montana Pozer
Coiapa,ny viherein the said City of Kalispell o'_Ili.-ates itself to
purchase from, said 7ort'rern ldaho and jl'ontana Company all
electric poX%rer r1ccessary for the 'a"Amping of rrater into the water
systexi,, in hnlispell, ontana, F,,�U the a,reed ra"Ie of one Cent 1er
ICiIowaa,tt-dour, in 'accordance, -v%rith the terii-is of e, contract here-
tofore agreed upon Letweer-I the CiGL COUYIC"i:L of the City of'
Ka I i E-,, ,peil i-nd the said I ort�.erri loiallo and i-ontalla CUI-11� )any
on jwj&ca .t '1-6th, 191,5; that tie tjl;.Ces for Voting at such
election in said City shall be as follows:
first ViIard: West Kotel on First Street between First
Avenue Fast and Second Avenue East.
Stcond Ward: Police Court �`owq in the Cit,,;, all
Third Ward, halispell busi.ness Collv��O, 111,out�_,mest corner
of 1!:ain and Sixth. Streets.
Section 6.. 'That the Cit;/ Clerk be and he is nereby
authorized7n—xid T176cted to take all neces-,oa,ry steps and proceed-
inl,gs required by law for the holdine, of said election.
Section 7. That all Ordinances and parts of
Ordina,-ces in conflict Iorewith ,tre repealed.
Passed by the City Council this -36th da,., of Auqust, 1(�1,5
Approved by tl-3.e T,[ayor this Gth ay of August,
T7-- —(:77-y—c I e rk
County of Flathead, SS.
City of Kaljspell.
j, C. J. McAllister, City Clerk of the city of Kalispell,
lJontina, do hereby certify: that I caused the foregoing Ordinance
to be printed 1. and posted for a period of five days qs required in
Ordinance I.
jq' 17anmiined posted 4 send t?,Rt said f�riin noe re for a
,jerlod of rive days; and th-it there have been no chnnges or ilterg
;ions tnade there -in since the passage and approval thereof by the
City Counr,.i]. nor in tYie recording thereof
Recorded herein and this Certificate made this 12th day
of September, 1913. e
City Clerk.