Ordinance 292 - Special Election - Water System,',,n Ordinance provid-n�; for tli(, of o, oj.)ecial Olr4ction Uporl the {Ueticjn Of 'I-diether or not the injlebLedness of tiL(City of K�i,lis_pell, 11'„ontana .shall ) e incrertsed o-ver z-LLnd above t1ie three per cent (3%) limit fixed iL),y, y the issuance of v,.,ater bonds to t'rie ariiounit of time Kuri_--red Seventy-five Dollars to Ue U- 000. GO) sed for t,!10 j)Ur,)OSe Of the, water yote,,i roar in use and operation in the C,ity of hnljspell, , Iont- utria, oy and thru which water may be supplied -to said City and its, inhabitants, an,JL acquirin� a a,,ater supply to ether wits qucs-j j,,)rOpert,y Voth real :.and j ' Frsjnal an is now o�,,med Gly the 'i�ortliern I'dU110 & '',ontana Power Coiqpany, the 'present o-mers of said, water system, o6Lh real and personal, as will be necessary for the operation of said syste-m,, wi-iich tivater s�/.­ter;a, ­,-ater sup,pl,,,, ,-md property, the said City shall ol�%m and control and devo Its the revenues derived tierefrom to the %my,­,ent of the debt incurred therefor and for the purpose of mEukin� -,.,,crtain necessaxy repairs , and providing for riew equi,)nient at t'ie pur.Q,)iYIPg? station and a new reservoir for said systeri. it ordadned JUy tJae City Cour-.,cil o"' Lio F L 'L - City oaf' .,a.J_ i eVell : tion I That w1nereas tne City Council of the Cit,; of Kalispell and the 3�orthern Idaho & lv'ontana Power Company Iave ,:,,,;reed to su;n.,iit to the qualified elector-, who ,_%re resident tax tLe Kalispell, a, proposition to t,,i.e effect layers ofI City of Ka L , b that the City of Kalispell, purchase from the said ITortIlern & i,ontana Po-�,,Pr the preser,t p1,-,11tit and water system and the supplies ".1-1crefor on includix,,� real ,-tnd personal property, for the sum of One ','Jundred Zurt,",-two llivf- ,Hundred _Doll--),rs aiid it appearin-_ ncf.?sr;ary desir@'Ole that the said waiter systey,,,i )e by tile said City of Kalispell rand that the said City oliall own ,nd control its water system and titer auaral, devote then re a= nues derived t,-ere,- from to t',Wt ilr lie ,,ay�,nof the ldebtedness i.-,,curred Lerefor, aarad it furt",or a, Uaii-nec�S�-ry to cotal,r, e, "" equiprient and new .u-Lroo to Le iincLulled at. t-,-Ie p o Vic - Duo o r ',,, e f a-L 6 4 d ivater system and to Yfla-ice Gthf:r and repairs in said po�,,,,er and that it i"urt"ier L-at it is neIceom,,,-_,,Y t,1,-Lt a new reservoir be cons t,ructed and used in tI-.e rnore ecu-amical and o,,,i'Le operation of -aid water syste�m. ,eCtiOn 11. 'hA c 8�)Miai CIeCUO.J(! fX I IiCiJ ill UX GItY U of Kalispell, -.'untana, or, tae Mtn auy of Septem"er, 1913, for 8Ihe l3ur,-) (,, of scertain'n­ L'I�e will of Lhe o Ie , up J -i.L'f e c L e d. t :e r e _6 an t aut-iorit, 1:1ven =Irik! ,:OPler con - 'erred up on tiie Cit;, Council of oaid City of to of E,a`d CiLy, ovcr and. ;toovc the Liree per cent linAt fixed uy in,w, I y Lie issuance of rater bonds, 01" said C i --e 17, housn',nd Dollars ity Lo tiie �mouc!t of (Jle 11"Undred Seventy- (J�"lib,000.00) for tine purpose Of purchasing a PYote,,aI noW in use and operation i)% t1ie City of Kalispell, I-ontana, and I ,:hru which water .,.y be supplied to said City arid its inJml ,)itants, Ij I such r 1) e r Y b 0 h and -,,w).ter supply together ,,,t i uc' p o , t I t , M real and personal as is now o.*Tned bey the Northern Idalio tuad owners oi said water ontana Power Coml),,.i.ny the preoent and a part of said water system as will uc necessary for the oper- ation of ,paid system, Watcr system, water supply and prop- erty, said City shall owrr and control and devote the revenues derived tjjerefrt;m to the payr,,ient of the debt incurred therefor, and for tI ie purpose of nakin.certain necessary repairs and pro- �,Ir viding for new equipm ent at the pkrapinstation and a ne,�%r reser- voir fur said system. section 111. ,':hat tie time .,lnd place of holdinr said, election shall be as follows- In the City of Kalispell, lontanz t, on the <,,6tjj day of September, 1,y13, frc)-,;, oi,ht o'clock A. 2to six o'Clook P. 71. of said day and the place for voting at such election shall be as follows: First Ward: 1,Yest, Hatel on 1�irst Street 'or,tween lirst Avenue East alld Second Avenue East. Second �,Iard: Police Court Room in the City hall. Third Y..'ard: Kalispell usiness Colle-z- ge at the Southwest Corner of Lain and Sixth Streets. Section IV. That ti.e amount and character of water bonds i,o ue issued shall be One Hundred Seventy-five 91housand J)ollars (8P175,000.00) . That said bonds be 17,15 in nuj'llber ,j.n, d a,e;3,r rjufj ers froz,i one to 17b , both inclusive ; that said shall be designated '�Jlater Eonds and s.'aall be of the derl,_:­ination of One "housn,nd Dollars ("Jo0o.ou) each, and the priiacipal shall be payable in gold coin of the 'United S1,,,j,tes of Aricrica of 'Lile ,resent st,,­tnd1nxd and vca rrt, gjid fineriess, said -Uond,,,, s1iall -,--ear interest te per reqt at the rate of five per cent 'b%) annum, "i r,11 ',,ay of July, 191o, and S�1 11 -3'�all bc d-ated tiie ,, o be redeemable and payable is follows: Twenty-five Thousand Dollars, o- , said sotrds numbered from One to ;�5, both inclu,"Ive., shall be ule%nd paya redeem- ble on and the first day of J11,,.Iy1 and shall be paid on July 1st, 19,,,3; P'o-_,Ay Thousand 1.7calarw ($,C) 000.00) of said. bonds nu.3ri- 'Lered from; o6 to 65 "-,joth 1nclusive, .> ,t it ,(; redeer.alc on ni-11. after tl,(-, first aaly of July, 192'.5, and siCall �e un j".11Y lst, r �L;110,000.00) of aid s One DUndred 'Len T'-ousand Dollars, (� bondo, nurril'ored from 66 to 17b, -0oth Jlnoluoive, shall be redeenl-011>le, on and after the first day of Jul;, 1921h, and shall be paid on the firot dray of , July, 1933 . ,'hears; be sOMi-,InnlAail interest cx,,,Upcns attar-l-Led to Said bonds, interest payaule .;eni-anni,,,ally in lawful money of the United States, of America. The bonds and coupons .9;..all be in such for.,n <Ls the Council 'uy ordinance directs. A trzx, to be fixed ordinance, must; be levied earl, ycal for the purpose of p;.a.ying interest on the cords, and to create sinking; fund fox, their redejx,,.)tion. Whenever, at any time of such bonds become redeemable, the sure in the in,-,, fund equals or exceeds Gne Thousand Dollars (1000.00) the City, `reasurer must redeem zu,,,ount of t-,)e bonds as may _,,.e payable or redeeni- aule, nccording to 1,,,i.w. Section V. That the ballot to be used a,t guch election shall ',?e of the orcltirary white paper, four inc__,es by six lylofeS in size, and. shall be printed iii the following form: Proposition to incren�,,e the indebtedness of the City of Falispell, over and above the three per cent (3�S') li'mit, fixed cy la,!", 1'd the icsazance of water 'uunds of staid City to t1le arloul-it of One Hundred Sevont—five Thousand Dollars to be ',tsed for tile 2ur-pose of purchn"nifir, a water now in, use and oper- ation in tine City of Kalispell, "' ontana,, L.,y and thru which water aay be supplied to said City and its in'�iauitnnt.r, and acquirin'o' n, 1'dater supply to: tiler with suoh pn,opert_, real .,,nd as as now owned G,y tLe 14crt_'ern loiaiia Po'...:-er Company, tille present owners of said water syotem and a pa,�t Of Said water s:/,stefrt as Will be necessary for the operation of said oystem, wkiicl- said syste-,r., water supply and property, so,id City shall o,,,.,n and control and devote the revenues derived therefrom to the pa,- ment of the debt incurred therefor and for the U s ,p rp o e of nahin,, certain necessary repairs and providdrig, for new equipment at the 1)UM--Iing station and a new reservoir for said systenn. ones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . Ye s _ G n d s INF 0 T�,e elector r,,itist ma,rk a cross thus x opposite ti-e er 'for which ho intends to vote. Section V1. That they City Clorl ' be aha rand is ere6y uLhor- ized and directed to give rIotico, of said election required by law, wtiich said notice s1ml.L oe in tue follo°uing form: 1otiCe Of Special EleC41on. liotico is i.erei,y gi-,,,en that a special election shall be held. in the City of ontana, from eio,,ht o'clock A. 17. to six o'clock P. 1". on the 26th day of S'epteffber, 1913, for the pur- pose of ouc,)s,ittingx to the tax payers of said City, qualified to vote thereon, the question of vzlietiier or not the sn.id City, of halic-I)c1l shall increase its indebtedness over and above the three per cent ii!At fixed by law, by the issuance of water bonds of said City to tI.e amount of One Hundred Seventy-five Thousand Dollars, for the purpose of purchasin,g a water system now in use and operation in the City of laalis ell, -'o t_ r inn by and tlxu wI-iich water may be supplied to said City and its in- imL)itants, and acquirinIg a water supply together with such Prop- erty oth real and personal, ,s is now owned by the _'N�ortherr, Idaho & -1-ontana Po,,,,er Curripany, the present owners of said. water system and a part of said water systen as will oe necessary for ti`e operation of said system, which water zysten, a=,,ater suppl, and property, said City shall own and control and devote the reveiiLt- es derived tlierefron-L to t-Iie -,)ayicLent of t-lie debt incurred tilerefor axid for tide -purpose of majlzinr! certain necessary repn_irs znd, pro- vidin�, for new equipment ut the puripiyrg station and a now reser- voir for .aid systen. The c_nracter of said i:onds is water bonds. That tine ai,io,ant and o,i,­,,rac6er of viater ;_,(jyidg proposed to be issued s.hall lie One Eundred Seventy-five Thousand Dollars, ($175 . 000. 00) ; that said bonds, shall be l7b in nursA)er and bear n;LInfcers from One to 175 b �lj o t- - - nclusive; t__'__zt said -onds, fhall be designated Water hond� andsliall be of ',,IL(- denoriiyiation of One `Cl-ious-­nd -DolLXW'pI000 .00) each and the I.-)rincipal shall be payable in o,old roin of the United States of A.erioa, of the present .3te).,Ild- ard, eight and firieness; maid bond's shall bear interest at the 'o rate of -five "or cont (b'JI per anriui,,, paya.le semi-annually; shall be dated tie firtvt day of J ly, 19)i3, and sl,,Ill oe re0eema, le anc,I, as follows: "N',vent.,—five. TILousand Dollars of said i,ondg Y.ii7..Uered fron One to i .5, bot';L inclusive, s'Lall be redee.ma'61e on and wafter the first irst day of July, and shall 'be paid on the first day of Julys, 19t3; .iu.rty Thousand Dollars of said ounds, ium- a,ercd fraio ;,6 ",o 65, botil inclusive, shall 'be redeema,ble on and after July tat, and 3hail be paid, on tile fin.;t day uf Jul;,", 1926; One hundred '-'en Thousand Dollars ($ilG,000.00) of said 1,,orids i-nuu)(,.red fron, 66 to 175, ootii inelusj.v(,, shall be redeem- able on and after the first of July, and shall be !,)a-a,id on tlie first dal-; of J;. ly, 1963. nere, sl;all ,e semi-annuul interet coupons attache.I, interest pa yule semi-<.,,nnually in Ituafal ir,,,,onej of the United ,,f Arierina. _I.onds and cou�,wns shall be in si,,ch form ts the City Cus,ncil by ='Alinance directs. A tax to 00 fixed ijy, ordinaricc must be levied e,­,ch Year for the j)urpose of payininterest on tlie bonds and tocreat-e a M pin'-ino- fund for their redem tiorl, Qt c1,ny time 8,ft(.r S 01� uonas become redeernable, tiie zqum in the sinkin ,� fu�id equlis or exceeds tlhe sun of One Tl.,,.,uswd Dol"lars, the City Trews- urer must rfdcer-,i such arwunt of the bonds as may then '..e payable or redeemable accord-InIn., to lw�,% That the places for voting at sucL election in said City shin be as f'Alowz': first 1,"In, r d : Viest Hotel on _Yirst Street between x'irst Avenue Fast and. Second Avenue S e c 0 r i d Vfa r6 . Police Court Room in the City Nall. 1-2 1 i r d r d : Kn.lispell ��usixw-ss College, ,e, Southvrost corner of 1.1ain and 'lixth .streets. "'ection VII. That t,ne City Cler.K -be and is hereby authorized and directed to take all necessary steps and proceed- in,gs required by for the 1,.ulding of s,Lid election. Section VIll . �Iiat all ordinances and I parts, of or,,,n! ances in conflict herewith are Yiero'by relicaled. Passed ui, the City Council this �_6th da"j, of Approved uy the 'D-tyor this �;6th dia,, of August, 1913. ;for. r At test City Clerk. STATE' OF MOUTAIIA, County of Flathead, SS. City of Kalispell. 1, C. J. McAllister, City Clerk of the City of alispell, Montana, do hereby certify: that I caused the foregoing Ordinance to be printed and posted for a period of five days ass required in Ordinance No. 174 and thfit said Ordiwince remained posted for a period of five days; and thit there hrave been no chF3nC,res or '-Alter- ations mq.de therein since the pu9safro and ipprovql Lhe'reof by the City Council nor in the recordinr,,,• thereof . Recorded herein and this Certi 'cate rmide this 12th day of September, 1913. City Clerk.