Ordinance 284 - Fire Dept CompensationAM
An ordinance t)mending Section 114, Of Article Ono of
Chapter of the rovised orilwinceq of the City of Kalispell, re-
IRting to the cmpensation of members of the fire depnrtment.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Kalispell that ;section 114 of Article I of Chapter 0 of the re-
vised ordint3mcev, of the city of Kalispell. be amended to read qs
The compensation of members of the fire, department shall
be as follows , to -wit: Fire 'Aarshqll or Chief shall recaile
$10.00 per month ind the cheraicil man and driver $85.00 eacn per
mo-itil and the members of the volunteer fire, conipanies per
hour e-ch for eta.ch fire that they oh -all attend in rerponne to Sir-
nals as bereinbef'ore provided and the sum of $.50 er)ch for each
attendance in cqse of false alarm under such signals.
pasp,qd, qn(I approved an,f siCrned this gth day of 1!xy, 1913.
County of Fl?itherad,. tip.
City of Kra.lispell.
1, (7. J. McAllister, city Clerk of the City of
K,,aIispell, Vontq.na, do hereby certify thait I caused the fare -
going, Ordinnnce to I)e �.rinted and posted for a p2riod of five
d9yo -As recluired in Ordinance No. 1.74 and that said Or,,Iinlince
remairied posted for a. period of five days; and that there hn.ve
been no ch,-ingos or =iltor,-itions mide t1nerein qinc.c the pnsqswge
and Rpprovol theref)"" by the City Council nor in the recorlinq,
Recorded herein Tuid this certificate mie triis
12th 6--iy of Septeribf-r, lql3.
City Clerk.