Ordinance 288 - Sidewalks & CurbsM
All ordinance ve(juinting; the construction of ,ldcw=:ilkr, and
0mcce, and prov:idinifor fJW PT-,YmCnt Ur)(Veof in jnnt�jlrlerlts and
regulatinS the culicMdun N' elcla ins"ImOnts-
1it Urini-rod by.the W ty C I - City o' Kalispell,
DO Mwy GVunoll muy ')( ler -T;�cv, dkcir ourbco, jr
0 land til.hou-t the
in Am V any I 0 pM'c�l 0
C)f "', 1Y, r 0 _v c er e ell
Cu 11 n
desires to co such sidmmUm or o,,,trbs bcth, tiz! Order
to 1.hat ("-,-Vect silntll ce �3uewwed into t1jo minutes OC 1, 1'� e 00'Ancil, Und
$hall name tlii zstreet alurl(l �njd sitvrn,lk or curb or both is to
b,e c oils tructed, nhnll give the Mrncter of - 11
,�IL.-,erj�l of s-�:id work li.i 4
description of We QuLting PrgmrtY-
Section 2. That imm0d&tE,'lY the City "n so'
publiah. a notice ja-, one isnuo of, j ptjpf:r the c4ty Of
K,:al spe,12, which s£-16 notice sb!312 have the orcle--
of the Council aq entered upon Me nrinutes 01' thi() s_lme. The said
notice sj_anjl r11,b L,t, that If Lhe ownus or of owners of' sucli
1 of 2 or P, r op o s 'el, of ,,I , tvall EAutt upon An,jcj 1) erl, side,
q1,411 f°,,ij or nagocet for a period a Uarty d,ys t-c,fter the dtite of the
first publication Of said notice, to construct said sidewEdR or curl., or
bore, tjjst Lig(_,, City rotinc,! will construct or wume to be constructed
Bauch gidewall: or curb oil both and shall a.ssess the cost thereof ainst
the property in front of Mich the umme sTe constructed. On or bei'are '67da
d-te followincr, the Pub1trent-,,)n of said notice that City Clerk 15-11 mail
m copy of Rid notice to each owner or agent of f?eh 0,:",,ncr Of the pro-
perty, to be a"fected J,h�< ro.by,
Section 5. The Council .911-1all ajjyjuRjlly let t:) t'.se lowest re -
bidder the contrnct for the o!' all- Ind
curbs Mob may be conotmic-Led i,11-ilcr the pro,,risions of this or,1111111n(le
and in accordf�tnce viiLh the opadificaLims 00paredtivilef0v IN Lhe City
EMOreer and the said conwricLor will be roq�.i,,ed ILO LeliVer tO L'He
city U guol ono sufficient bund in the sum Of -leo-, th-la $5000,00
which bond shall be conditiolled rw,,e ra-)od ftr�th,,ul
of •all ,vor.k by him done undo, ne provioiunz of tUs, or,ij.ri°ince and sh.qll
also gunrantee the maintenance "M dor�,�bility o," ei,i �,miurk fora period
of zlot le""r, t];nn tl-)ree 3/erars.
occti3n 4. Tb5it `fa to the of t'hirLy tys Pon tbu 44to
of the first publication cf no�,Ice uformUd VF= _:Py
notify the City Contractor abnae mentic)nc(i to bulll ;,uclh 1,.)crtion of
sidew"lk or onub or bot�-i previously ordereAL t& t mqy not yet be 1wilt ind
sucll cwurqctor g0jall woolk Nrty-flve the, 13lte, 1111oof ron,
S',:V'act' 0�,r4 .in acftor,lance "Nfit'h 1'nis or,intlnce nnd hio corttct tlie
Sac t 1 on 1, ThRt the tool cost of all of si=iirl side'v,111c Or c,trb
or both, ccrpt,cted by 'the, ici ,,.y Cortric,,tor oLQ:c T.,enLionerl in, uc;-
co"ance with said Orders of the C-'[ col,lrlc'il, whlo1 cost 3"still
i1flude the Publiation of aoKce, 7ni !71-,,qection fees, 9hall
be assessed upaimat Lve proporty in front of or adowent Lo M&L sual
side w1k or curb is constructed. The propevtL� ocoupyin7, street cotrc-s
shall be aasesswi for that part of wxP Mt-nlk or curb triereon
tne streat Merpection. ThRt a13 the viurk done 'LA)i'617e
provioiuns of this ordinance zh,U1 be pnid for by �3pecl,s,l w-rrra-Its in
the mpanne-r 'wid form hereinqftar to be prov derl for , dr"avin "t a
fund Which is "riereby era-101, to bet known as spec�d-il of lernlk n A (,,,,Irb
nectLon 6, nat all We coot ani expenses of build anal and con-
s ir not ing ,, aiiy "n,l P11 sldwmllk or curb jX1 both, un,3ee Ghe
of this ordAwnce ohlill be defvVed by special assess s,,,aont for trin purpome
of roMing the swor"Od warrnntm Mich, opeci�ul assec-,1zt sh�11 be
buyuble in McAllmants extending over 9, per-1orl, {ive ye-s, w��ich
Zeoial be --,5 lion upori Me ILL; bo'.1,3"ected
ul,e"'Lt,y. Nhen One Uf V-C i)sIynacrlts of quc,13 speciai --uscos,,rIont
delinquent tle 13r,jpfn'ty be eold the enme SS moor Pronrty is EMU
ME special aeSeennorL,
Se Lion 7. The CiQ CMM&I STIR11 MW a levy can or I)eFore
the fivet londay in October of ench ye` C r0-V all ,,,,ork <Iune under
Lhj, dMin, tha prior yeqr, AMlich spill kissessment EIM11
be nmle by rcsoluLjon duly enteredupon Ow rdrutiq mid W;ynole in
the mume nonner an other HOW resHoWns Md WeVal "Pr"e-
MeV :is tricW Me QL; 7r?nnvrer sh911 collunt 00, wid Mcinl
se, esment wilh simple irk nrest �',; Lle M,(Of u, Per �Ianum fro;
of rek-istry of e-,cln i,:n-rnnt and 003 roesive QwvefOre 'W
t'-,,e entive <--Pcclnl asuess"ent on rill prapety with.,
date Of payrqert f)ny time the ciao may be
or asfelt .
So, Lion 8, Tout nij urdingnces heratof ave passed anl
in conflict withi uus are ts nNy rapcnled.
Passeq by the City Council and Approved b�°rtc nyor
dy of Zone,
Attept; Noy or
City Clerk.
County of Fl?athead, SS.
City of Kalispell
1, C. J. McAllistcr, City Clerk of the City of
Kalispell, Yontana, do hereby certify: that I caused the
foragoing, ordinvince to be printed and posted for a OeriOri
of five Buys as required in ordin*tnce 1110. 1'/4 gand thcit srlid
orrlin°7mce rwnn.ined posted for a pc',rioi of five, dgiye; and
tfint there 9ve been no 0imiges or Qztersttions therein since
the p°ismip-,e =ind opproval theroof by the (,.ity Council nor In
the thereof .
Reowded Wren and this Certifiw e Me this
12W day of Septedber, 1113,
City Clerk.