Ordinance 285 - Moving Picture Showscy pq nwgy,-, - � () -� " A,P2r
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An o-rdinqnce regulating moving picture shows and ptO-
V i r! i for 1, i r,2 Proof b 0 0 tilz .
Be it Ordained by thr My Council W tMe City of 101-
Saction 2, Any per on, firm or c9rporgLimi rOving %,j
exhibition Uf MUVWP Viclures,
poVcrwmce, keep the movAig picture n9chinc sW tal fills en-
closed in a fireproof bcnotl-3,
Section 2. Any yvraon, firm or c0l'POV--,tGn Viola3'-if'S
:)-ruv,ir—onc, of tLia ardinince sha,11 be bf -1 fil-le Of' not
leis t,,tn 'fen (110.00) nor mor'e t-,,,tin s,ifty (3',50.00)
Doll m-9 .
PcorEd and npproved W,,,,J',,3 2,1,1 Of June, J-913.
v or
TiQ UArk.
County of Pliithead, SS.
City of Kalispell
1, C. 0 . McAllister, City Clerk of the City of
K�ilispell, Yontrina, do hereby certify: that I c=iused the
fore goinF,, Ordinance to be printed Rol pootod for 1i period
Of five dayr, as required in Ordinance 11o. 174 Rnd that said
Ordinance remr,,,ined posted for a Period Of five d°iY!7; and
thrit L.,,ere lirive beenno chnnC,,,;es or ��lterntions therein fiinoe
the pnssnge and gpprovT33 thereof lay the City Council nor in
the recarling thereor,
Recorded herein ,ind this Certificate made this
12th day of September, 1913.
!;;i City Clerk.