04-05-88 Shade Tree Commission MinutesApril 5, 1988 SHADE TREE COMMISSION 4:00 P.M.
•Attendance: Bill Wright, Debra Adair, Betty Albright, Marla Robinson,
Mike Baker, Georgia Otten, Keith Engebretson, Mayor Ed Kennedy, and
Ian McCowan.
The new Shade Tree Commission member, Debra Adair, introduced herself
and gave a brief statement of her background.
Ian McCowan introduced himself next and stated he is an arborist and
had run a tree service in Seattle for the last 10 years.
Ed Brannon spoke next, giving a brief history on the Shade Tree
Commission, how and when it came about.
Marla Robinson was welcomed as the new Council member on the Shade
Tree Commission.
There was a discussion on when the meetings will be held and the
length of the meetings. An agenda for today's meeting was drawn up.
Bill Wright reported he has a commitment from Gary Brown, State
Forester, to present the Tree City, U. S. A. award. He presented two
signs which will be placed at entries to the City and said we need
two more as there are four entries to the City. Mike Baker said he
would purchase them. A plaque was also presented, which will be hung
in City Hall. A Tree City, U. S. A. flag will be hung in front of
•City Hall. There was some discussion about setting a time and place
for the official presentation. Mike Baker advised that a lady by the
name of Mrs. McCubbins had been promised a tree would be replaced on
East Montana Street when street reconstruction was done there and it
had not been done yet, so he thought this would be a good time to
plant a tree there for Arbor Day. He thought we should have a
picture taken of his crew putting up one of the Tree City U.S.A.
signs at one of the entrances to the City, and have Gary present the
plaque and the flag to the Mayor. This will be on Friday, April 29.
There was discussion on who should be asked to attend the ceremony;
committee members, Council members, etc. Mike Baker will contact the
news media for coverage. He will make up an outline of the day's
events with times and locations and send it out to participants.
The question was raised of when we would have the trees for planting
on Third Avenue East. Mike Baker advised we have the trees now, and
will probably start planting by the end of the week. Another question
came up about street reconstruction on Third Avenue East, if that
would be a problem with the planting. The street reconstruction will
not be in that area.
Ian McCowan then gave a presentation on his tree care experience and
background. He volunteered to do a program for Arbor Day, pruning a
certain tree in the City, handling out pamphlets on pruning and tree
care, giving advice, etc. Depot Park and Conrad Mansion were suggested
as locations for this. Depot Park was decided on as the location.
Mike Baker will get with Ian to decide on the date.
Ed Brannon presented a pamphlet called "Western Wildlands" put out by
the University of Montana School of Forestry. It contains articles
on tree pruning procedures, the value of trees, and an article by Ed
Brannon. Mike Baker was asked to order more copies for all committee
members and City Council members. He also presented a newsletter put
out by the American Forestry Association on urban forestry.
Mike Baker reported on the progress being made after the trees were
removed on Third Avenue East. He stated he ordered 48 trees for
replacing the trees removed, and what the cost was. He talked about
the diversity, of trees he was able to get. Trees for next year will
be ordered in about a month's time.
There was a discussion regarding planting larger trees as opposed to
smaller trees. The possibility of having our own nursery was discussed.
Mike Baker reported we have a small nursery at the Treatment Plant,
but it was not much of a nursery. Any trees that we have down there
now we will use. The statement was made that we should develop a
good long-term relationship with a local nursery, to get a good price
and quality products.
Mike Baker reported on the progress on Third Avenue East. There was
some discussion on removing some trees at the same time that the
• street is under reconstruction, and notifying residents along there
what is going to be happening.
Mike presented a layout of the Norwest Bank plan. The question came
up if the bank was paying for part of this. Mike said the money for
this is coming out of Tax Increment money, but when it is completed
the bank will take it over and do all the maintenace on it, except,
tree pruning. He stated there will be wrought iron benches and
old-fashioned street lights put in, flowering shrubs, trees, fence,
Mike Baker was complimented on the amount of work he is getting done
and plans to get done. He complimented his crew on their fine work.
There was some discussion about removing large trees and transplanting
them in a more desirable place.
The next meeting was set for May 3 at 4:00 P.M., then the Committee
will break until next fall. There was discussion about items for the
agenda next year.
Meeting adjourned.