03-24-87 Shade Tree Commission MinutesSHADE TREE COMMISSION March 24, 1987 The Commission met at 4:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, present were • Chairman Ed Brannon, Councilman Chuck Manning, members Bill Wright, Bette Albright, Georgia otten and Parks Director Drent. Chairman Brannon requested that the minutes of the meetings be mailed to the members and that they be reminded of upcoming meetings a few days in advance. Chairman Brannon and Parks Director Drent reported on the meeting held with Mayor Kennedy, Bob Gerhardt, K.D.C., Ed Gallagher, Community Development and Parks Director Drent. The lack of proper planning in planting the downtown trees and landscaping in parking lots were items mentioned at that meeting. Both the Kalispell Development Corporation and Community Development will cooperate with the commission and Parks Department. It was agreed that the trees and plantings will be maintained by the Parks Department. Funding through the K.D.C. and Tax Increment for downtown planting and maintenance was discussed. The draft, "Shade Tree Needs" and draft "Content Proposal" were outlined and presented by Chairman Brannon. An item by item discussion of these drafts. followed (see enclosures). The following Sub -committees were formed to study certain specific problems that were discussed will be reported back to the full commission at the meeting scheduled for May 5th at 4:00 P. M. • PUBLIC INFORMATION Tree City U.S.A. Bette Albright Arbor Day/U.S. Constitution Bill Wright Publicity DEMONSTRATION AREA SELECTION & PLANNING: Mature Trees Al Martinson Bill Wright New Development Georgia Otten UPTOWN COORDINATION: Ed Brannon Chuck Manning Al Martinson The next meeting was set for April 7, 1987 at 4:00 P.M., City Hall Council Chambers, at which time Steven Larson, Urban Forester of Missoula, will attend and make a presentation. Bill Wright brought to our attention that April 24 is Arbor Day. His Sub -committee will prepare for this day and will report back on April 7. City Department heads will be invited to attend that meeting. The meeting adjourned at 6:00 P. M. Pieter M. Drent PLAID/ms ENCS D R A F T- SHADE TREE NEEDS • Based on field review with Pieter Drent: Trees Planted Under Utility Lines - Interference with utility lines. - "Crew-cut look" - Improper size species. - Safety hazards. Trees Too Close Together - Deformed with weakened form. - Not able to develop crown shape. - High maintenance costs. - People planting whips under existing trees. Backlog of Extensive Pruning - Dead material. - Poor shape. " - Interference with street/pedestrians. - Prior mis-pruning (topped trees). Undesirable Species • - Short lived species, litter, disease prone, weak wooded. (Chinese Elm, Box Elder, Mountain Ash, Evergreens) - Misplaced. Lack of Replacement Program - People planting whips. - Lack of funding. Uptown Street Trees - Improper species. - Pruning needs. - Replacement program. - Coordination with uptown development/KDC. - Coordination with parking area landscaping. - Depot park. New Developments - Lack of shade trees. - No unified shade tree program 0 DRAFT CONTENT PROPOSAL • KALISPELL SHADE TREE MASTER PLAN I. Statement of Purpose and Goals. II. History of Shade Trees in Kalispell. III. Current Needs/Opportunities. A. A B. C. IV. Action Plan for 1987/88. is A. Establish demonstration area. B. Uptown street trees. C. Public information program. V. Appendix. A. Condition inventory. B. Recommended species list. C. Ordinance. D. Annual Reports of the Director.