11-30-10 Airport Minutes11/30/10 Airport Board Meeting
Attending: Fred Leistiko, Aiport Manager; Scott Richardson; Dan Snyder; Keith Robinson, Dick Rapacilo
Meeting called to order at 3:04 p.m.
No public in attendance
Airport Manager Update
i. Discussed the progress report of the Master Plan Update
1. Discussed engineer's progress
2. Discussed the pilot survey
3. Discussed the next tasks to be completed
4. Discussed the outcome, as per the official record, of the last public
ii. Fred discussed his meeting with the FAA in Helena
b. State of Montana legislation change
i. Discussed how local airports are funded
ii. Scott discussed his thoughts on how we could change the law to allow for
county funding of our airport
iii. A motion was brought before the council "The Kalispell City Airport Council
recommends that the City of Kalispell pursue public funding for the Kalispell City
Airport by way of the county airport levy, requiring a change to State legislation,
Title 67, Chapter 11, Part 3."
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m.