Ordinance 283 - Registration of VotersM
()?,T�IMECE 112. 2f
An Ordinance to provide for the registration of the
names of person eligible to vote at special elections by t*x-
payer9wit.hin the City of,,' Ealiopell.
130 it Ordained by the City Council of Lhe City of Nal-
Scsotion 1. Taxpayers' 'Rlections. Tlegistry Ag'ents, Qual-
ifiriations. Powers. Oa th . That hereil'ter when any special
election shall be ordered by the City Counpil for the purpoze of
submitting any question to the t�ixpayers Only, it SIall be,' th e
duty of the !,,ffayor, by r)nd With 'the aelvice -6nd consent of a
majority of the whole number elected to the caned, to appoint,
at least three weeks prior to the time for. hol,)inf; of such special
elect icn, a regi,,�try agent in and for e-ich ward of said city; p ro-
lided, thaL no person sh=a.11 be eligible to the office of ree-i:;Lry
agent for said city un -er the provivions of this ordinance, who
is or ell -all be -,t c-3ndidate for any office, in and for s,)jd city,
or who, at ,he time of Ms appointment, shall be, holding any office
under the governnent of snir", city, or who is not a qianlitied elect -or
at such olection, or entitled to register as such under the provisiohs
of this ordinance. lie sha,12 have power to administer oaths, or
affirmations, -and do nuch other things necessary to arry out the iyl-
tent and provisions of this ordinance, Before such registry agent
shall enter upon the 6)itlesof such office, he shall take and silb-
scribe the oath of office, as Other city o -f icers are 'required to
do, and file the scime witli the City Clerk.
Section 2. Putiev. Registry girt. Names Alphabetically.
It shnIl be the duty of such repjrry mint, (11arjng at least two
days Preceding "he special election for VJIIJj&., he is appointed, to
keep his office open during the fllowinr hours;
From eight oci-Ick A.M. to ten otclock PJT. on each of
sRid two days, anei he shall proceed to make -1 registry list of
all persons who shall apear before him gad show therivelveg qualified
and entitled to vote at such special clections. in makirAg Zxsid
regis.try list as sbove presc-ibed, it shall be his duty to make an
alphabetical list for e,)ch of the wards of the city, encki list con-
taining only the legally qualified voters residing in its part-
icular ward; unrl s-aid list !3htill show the voters arrsanFed alphabet-
ically, according; to their surnimea slid their plrac<, of reeidence,
as near as may be, -;),ccording to avenues, streets and numbers. Said
registry agent sha.12 enter the names of all persons upon ItYle list in
their respective wards, who sliall apply to be registered, ind who
shallpossess or willpossess on the day or election the req,iaisite
qualifications entitling him to register Tind vote, under tile pro-
visions of the Constitution and municipal laws of the State of
Munt,ana, at elections where questions are subraittedto the vote of
the taxpayers only.
Section 3. Pcstinr Registry On the f olloving
day after such registry agent eh�ill have closed his office for
regivtration for such special election, said Fl(,rent shall make a
copy of each of the lists of the wards of qaje5 city, as made by
him during the time he shall havekept his office open as provided
in the preceding section, and shall post the Said copied, elich one
in his particular w9r,i, at the place where voter, will be received
at RLIch ensuing �, special election, and in a conspicuous place where
it will be accessible and convenient to persons who shall, desire
to inspect the en_me.
Section 4. T)oubtful Applicant for Reristrsition. Iijus t
Make Oath and Answer Questions. Other Parties Iday be Examined
concerning,' APPlic9ntle Quulif' icationnWere =iny p rson sl
apply to have his or her name entered upon the list of any of the
Wards Of st3id city, and the lsnid zagcmt is in doubt as to his or
her qualifications, he shr-t1lrequire the applicant to answer on
oath or affirmation the following questions, together with such
othe,r Dertinent questions as said ligent may deem proper to pro-
pound for the pizrpove of ascertaining the truth of such applj-
cant I s qual J: f ic,ati ons,
I. Are you a citizen of the United States?
2. Are you now, or will you become twenty-one years of
age on the 6,ly pro.ce�int7,- the iv�xt ensuing special -ledtion?
3.On thz� day next preceling the next ensuinp,, specin�l elect-
ion will you h,3ve Rctua,11y resided within the st'Att:�.for one year, in
the city six months, anl in the ward where you now reside, thirty
4. In what warj 60 you Pside?
5.11--Ive you registered in any other wi-i in thi=:, city in :any ocher
n-,me, or in !,he rvime you now reripter jyj?
6. Are you as taxpayer upon property within the city?
The registry agont may also exaamjrjo tiny ocher person
touching the qualifications of any applicant , and if satisfied
of the qu-,31ificritions of any sucN app2icgrit from a statement sworn
to by either the aioplic=i,nt or ;ny other person, he shall enter Such
applicantls name upon the list of the -,Pvard wherein mich applicant
resides, and note the fact of his heaving been sworn ,as to his qusJ-
ifiQa).tlons to regirter.
Section 5. Persons entitled to Vote lit Iraxpayer's Elections.
At al l elections at which any question is to be submii,ted
to I,he taxpqyerronly of said city, allpersono, witljout regrar.d to
sex, vibo are citizens of the United Stater3, who heave resided in
the ,'Late one year, tani in the city six months, and in the ward
thirty d.)YO, and, who ne or ,'!ill be twonty-one years of >sare or over
on the dn-y next preceding such election, .nd who pay taxes is de-
rined in flections 468 an,', 469 of the llevised Codes of 14tontnna, upon
property in the city o-Ir K91ispell, are qu€ilified electors at such
election and none others.
ollection 6. Repisry J,ist 1.0 Whon Dolievered. it shall be
the r3uty of ''..hey registry -%gent to (ibliver to the officerp, of such
special election of each ward, the list of electors thereof, so nrAde
as proviebd in thisorilinqnce , at the time or before theopening, of
the polls of such ensuin€z sp==cial election.
P,ection 7. Persons Eat Repis,'I-ered 1,,!qy Swear in Votes.
Affielai,vit of Applicant Not Registere(l, Property Owners' Affi-
davit, Form 01'. CRjhen any person shall offer his or her ballot at
any special election hereafter hel,i, the dudgrs of election thall
examine the registry liest,ind if' his or her name be found the-reoft,
shah check the ni,tne tAn,) shall. then receive nd deposit his ballot,
and the clerX shall enter his or her mime on the poll books qs
requiredby ordina.nce.
If his or her name be not founel on such registry list,
itT.nqy be placed thereon upon the presentation of svitisfaictory
6,vidence th*t lie or she is quolified to vote in such precinct at
such election; such evi6ence sh¢31.1 consist of the aifl'idnvits of
such ap�lio�-Arit, and of two ortners of real property in said city,
resident in ouch precinct, which affid-,ivit shall "be substantially
in the following form:
I do solemnly swear thf)t 1,am a citizen of the !mite d
States; th!),t I am twenty-one years ofarse, and have resirled in
this State one year lmmedliqtely preceding the approaching elec-
tion; thet I have residedin the City of Kr.ilispell for six Tr_caitlAs;
that I am an actual resident of the precinct
of said city qn,i I now reside at
Street; that I have paid taxes up_0npro `p`erty owned by and assessed
to me on the aqseegment roll of the City of Kalispell next pre-
ceding the election held — We and e,:ch of ,).v dJ'sWf_Pmn1y —swear that 'W'li—re—the —owners
of real property and req! ' f dents othe precinct
of vdd city; that we are personally acqua1nteTW1th(nU_Me of ap-
plicqnt) and that fie or she is to our personal knoweidgc= an actual
resident an,4 qualified voter of the precinct of
q,,3id city; and thit we do not make tTMnr_%i_fTT1T,_%_vTT _UpdH information
of belief, but upon our personal knowle-ige. Such nffidavit shall
be in,),,fe before ainy officer aautrtorizrrd to administer oaths; but shall
not be made before qny JudF,,-e or clerk of election. The judges shall
file tirrl preserve said affidavit and slinll piz3,ce the name of the ap-
plicqnt upon the regyi.itry lirts, Rnel opposite thereto the names of
the persons testifying to his qualifications, -nd shall then receive
al,i,j deposit bets ballot; provided, that all -voters at such elections
shall be subject to the provisions of exiatlnV laws F"I ordinances
respecting challenges, and the proceedinge to be had thereon.
erection 8. lion -appearance of Registry Agent. Vacancy,
How Filled, If for any ct)use the regu1qrly appointed registry
arent shall. at any time failed or beunable to act rs,nl discharge
the duties required of hiryi, it shall be the duty of the TIayor or
in the absence of the 1jayor, the acting Mayor, to appoint some
other person to act as such agent,,VVho shallpossess all thte qual-
ific=.tionv required at' such agent in the f irst section of this
ordinance, and who shall have the same powere conferred upon such
first appointee rind as often Rs any vacancy or failure to act
shall. occur, the 1471ayor, or in his Rbsence theacting Tt'Ayor, shall
have full power to supply such v,icancy.
Section 9. Compensation of Registry Agents. The registr
agent shall receive as compenq,)tion for his s�,.rviccs in disch,-3rg
ing the dutis imposed upon hire by the provisionq of this ordinarim
not exceeding 0srer. dollars per flaxflaxto be pq-id gaspther clr.ims
against the City Of Kalispell. For failure to dischFrge any of
the duties imposed upon him by this ordinance, and upon conviction
thereof in police court of said city, he shall be finednot exceed-
ing one kiun,lrerl dollfArs, end not lesF-� than ten (,Iollt.-irs and costs
of prosecution.
Section 10. False Registration. Penalty, Any registry
agent who shall knowlingly cgj,use or permit the name' of any person
not qualified -rnd entitled to register, and any person who shall,
by swearing falsely, cause or procure the name of any person not a
qualified voter, to be placed upon any such list, shall upon
conviction thereof' be punished by a fine of not less than fifty
dollars nor morvth})n one hunlred dollars and costsof prosecution.
Section 11. Yutiltkting Registry List. Penalty. Any
persa who shall destroy-, def,-,ice, tear down, alter, substitute,
or in any vay interfere with the posted registry :list, or any book
wherein such ref_ristry list is recorded, shrill upon conviction
thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than twenty dollars,
And not exceeding one hundred dollars.
Secti,in 12. ljourn for ReUiotration. The office of the
registry %gent during the time 'herein provided f or registering;
namep, of voters shall, 1:it all ouch ties, be open to the public
and any person or persons desiring to be present shall have the
rigIt to do so at any time during the hours of registering votes,
and no name shall be entered upon such listsexcept on the days
h reinbefore provide ', for.
Section 1,3. Notice of Registrntion Published. it
shall be the duty of the city Clerk to advertise in one Of the
newnpapers, published in the City of Kalispell, for four conse-
cutive 4-,-Ays, prior to the, tine, provided for registration and prior
to any such elation, the time and place where the registry agent
of each ward will keep his office an,1 receive th names of persons
who shrill apply for registry as provided for in the oriinances.
It, at all. times as prov]dedin this ordinance, sthall be the
further duty of such regi
stry agent, end he is hereby required to
keep his office within his respecti-ve ward in the City of Kalispell
Section 14. Books Furnished. It shall, be the duty of
the City Clerk to furnish, at the expense of the city, to the re-
gibtry agent, all necessary books, needed by said registry agent
in making out the lists herein provided for.
Section 1j. Assistant Arent, When. The registry agent
angry, when necessr�,ry, and with the conr;ent of the T�ayor or acting
Mayor, in the absence of the mayor appoint an aseiistrint to aid him
in discharging; the dutis imposed upon him by this ordinance. Thee
ass.iLutarvt shall possess all the qualifications
lifictions required of such
agent in the first section of this ordinance, and shall have the
same powers conferred upon such agent, and shall receive the stime
compons4ti on. Passed by the CiLy Couneil this 5th 6ay Of 111aY, 1913.
Appro-vevi by ',he Iday9r this 5th (PlY Of !,mUY, 1913-
('i ty CI e.Tk.
1, C. J. McAllister, City Clerk of the City of
Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that I caused the forc-
goinp., Ordin-aice to t:e printed end potited for a period of ",'ive
d,--tys -9s -required in Ordinr)nce �o. Ir?4 and that said Ordirv4nce
rem,iined posted for a period of five days; =and thrit there h-Ave
been no or ql.ter,3tions made therein since the passq.. ,e
nrid ipprovaa thereof by tile City Council. nor in the recording
thereof .
Recorded herein panel this certif iclite ri-le this
12th day of September, 1913.
City Clerk.