07-20-87 Personnel Committee MinutesPARKS/PPS.SONLE—L JULY 20, 1987 The meeting was called to order by Parks Chairman Manning. The meeting was attended by Mayor I:ennedy, Councilmembers Saverud, Hafferman and Robinson, Parks Director Drent, Clerk/Treasurer Halver and Roger Hopkins. 1. Parks Director Councilman Banning said the meeting was called to address the upcoming vacancy in tko Parks Director position. He felt we should continue the responsibilities the way they are now. Councilwoman Hafferrian agreed. Councilwoman Robinson said Public efficiently handle another departrie t. time supervisor. Mayor Kennedy agreed. Works has enough work now and couldn't The Parks Department needs a full Pieter Drent reviewed his responsibilities. Councilman Saverud agreed someone had -to be in ci;arge.of parks and recreation but suggested the Parks Department be tied in with Public Works to take better advantage of job sharing. Pieter reported in the past it worked better when it was not supervised by the Public Works Department. Denning suggested the new director be hired and then get his views later. Councilman Dunning reported it could be the end of September before we can have a new Director on the job. In the meantime a lot of important projects will not have adequate supervision. He said the Mayor had wondered if Pieter would postpone his retirement. Mayor Kennedy asked Pieter if he would postpone his retirement until September 30. Pieter said he would if he had an absolute promise that that is the date he can retire. Mayor Kennedy agreed. Dfarla Robinson suggested Pieter could then help review the applications for the new Director. Councilman Manning requested the following items be brought before the council: 1. Authorize the development of the job description and advertisement of the position, 2. Pieter Drent's retirement date be postponed until September 30, 1987, 3. Return supervision of the Griffin Field project to Pieter until his retirement. 2. Depot Park Telephone Manning reported the Chamber of Coamerce wants a pay phone in Depot Park and didn't want to do it themselves. PeTS S/PEP.SOiR\EL JULy 20, 1987 V� It was suggested the telephone comaany be asked to put in one of their own. Don Halver reported the city probabiy would have to pay for the phone and a - monthly charge. Mayor Kennedy will send a letter to .r. Franklin regarding a pay phone for depot park.., 3. Lions Park lease The Charter of Corr:erce does not want to be responsible for the maintenance of the rest rooms at Lions Park. Pieter says the plumbing is in horrible shape and the Chamber had promised to find donated work and supplies to fix the rest rooms. His crews are already cleaning those rest rooms three days a week and he doesn't have the money to pay overtime for weekend cleaning. Mayor Kennedy said he is trying to tali, to Huz Jensen to see if his crews might be able to clean on weekends. Pieter suggested the revenue from the advertising on the rest room building be used by the Chamber to pay for the cleaning. - .. Manning concluded the Chamber should be approached to try to work out the rebuilding of the rest rooms and the city parks people will continue to maintain the rest rooms during the week. 4. Westside Park report Chairman 4anning is not sure of the status of the parr, but will check on it.. S, Willow Glen Dumpsite. The committee discussed another purchase offer presented for the Willow Glen Dump property. The committee agreed the property is not for sale because we haven't assessed the City's long range needs for parkland, the property hasn't been appraised and it can't be sold without being advertised for bids. Chairman banning will report to the council the committee's rejection of the offer and the reasoning. 6. Eagle scout Project - Griffin Field Mayor Kennedy reported he has been contacted by a Boy Scout who wants to install the flagpoles at the new Griffin Field as his Eagle Scout project. The cormmiittee agreed if all liability obliqations are met. Councilman Ruiz asked if a building permit is needed for the flag poles and if a building permit has been secured for Griffin Field. - 2 - ■