Ordinance 282 - Annual AppropriationswIVAICE to, 282. A11UP1 APTq(TRWTIO7 L11.1, 1qj. '11 ORDIV= 7ARJU APPHUNRTPTDES ]AM NRYUKTU !TMOSME ()I, TYE CITY 07 KA2 IS-71 , YOUT111k W VIUCA! !MAP BEGUT11Y .,?AT' QlVq, an OM111 NAY Q" 1914. Be it orKined by t! e City Council of the Citj of Kujispell:-- Section 1. That the fol2oving sums or so mu& thereof so may be necesoury, be and the some are hereby appropri"ted Own any vvvil- abler funds in the City 7renoury, not otherw]oe app,,opristed, deri,,,cr. from collections of Taxes, 7icenses, Finee, Fees rand rineellw as sources fcv thc purpose of opwqtWa, n-Inkiniqr, lmprovinr, raynfr- WC and defrnying interest and coutinqent expenses of Lre city Coe- ernment for L"c fiso7l yeqr heginnin(" Vay 5th, 2513, and Win( Ma, 4th, 1914. nMjMwL FuwylnoludhC Oe"VA, BACK "d C011tACOMV) Unyor qnd Wuncil: Pay Rol I nupplien sad hxpennev, 00 City Attorney: Pn; poll 'wpPlies end Expennef- 00-00 City Clark: p'! 1011 15:1100.00 Supplies "nd Expenses 1 755-00 official pubilcutiow, ------- Auditing City Treasurer: Pay Roll 0000.00 Supplies and Fxpenses officini Publications Police court: pay 7013 7H0-00 21,"Ppl1er 7nd mxpenseo L-WO niections: Pay R021 ------- Supplies %ad ExuenEw I-20=0 750-00 M 1,,O�,,rd of I-Caltli, Pay Rol ayrbaEe Removyl supplins mA ispenses Yin, Dap,vtMent: pny 4011 11�'12160. Suy2jes and wpnmes Police Deporbiwit: Pay 11012 SUYA WE ond nxpwwors city 1:011: MY M21 910.0r) supplies "K Expenpe'o Pay Roll "IM0.00 oupplico f�aId "t'reet", r.1"A Puy Roll, $5900.00 SupNies and Ropmeen $42Q.01,) 400.00 37� 00 U0 ter ini Lawn"W1 11% 155 -00 "team Roller ,ttinten�)nce Truction Outfit MArKenance porti(=n or Spemui Improvementu contingent liccount Total OenerQ Fund us 770naL I Do yLtll Pw 'D Light 7,947-00 wator Pvrk Fund: 1'v'o0dl,-nA P�.;rlk( improvement L, ------ 1,000.00 Cwrt % !use ISTRry e tV 1 2,945,00 imbnent Furld (Inte-c,t on Funling Bonrls,) Total Approprirltir. T'0�, Cu-rrent Tsi or d inaD nar D,,tcrest an Indes, btednes tam WMAMM EeVion Q. That the V01.;<nc12. of t.h(, vario-u-, le- P-'vrtr'lerts of "'he city go"i-rrinent v'xe jimit tile ,'tares of tinq different dopqrtmerto to the ar"Ma nernin "uthor, Wed, proNided timt my part of nny �!ppropriation hereirl provided for, remndninr unexpended otter satiafnctian M the purpooe fal, which it r"a 00ruprinteQ MMY he upplied to relieve d1c,"iciency in nny other department, qpproprintel For foom the s,me Md. Eect.lon 5. TWO tke City Clerl,, sll,-rill furrish, ", T­_)nthly statement of the unexpended bulnEces to the creC t of each De- partment mnd out) -division nection 4. Thio ordhmnue W11 troce eirect anid be in force Mon, fulrl "'fteT its peo"re uy ,I,e (,ity oouncil, and )pprov- ­j tyr ,Ine ­_r,,yar, or otherwise as 1)1'o771ded k),y. l''Z , r`,IA shall be offickloy puhilphed b", thw City (Jo is ir!l n""nn-'r provldnp,, -for offd�,itll Approve! Whis -/th dq, " of YAM. Attost:- CITY CIJMT1_ i icter,my v! aric a tKe ol ty & vulinpnll ��l 7 %rMg"TnV fiMnnuica to he postF,,i �'Dr of five lays qn requirnd in W'Minqune �a,174 qnd OYU n0d ordinnnoe or o �--MK 'en! this rrytirlcq te rrum Me An e7