07-29-86 Personnel Committee Minutes3:00 P.M. JULY 290 1986
• The Committee met in the Conference Room, present were Chairman Grainger,
members Hafferman and Saverud, Mayor Kennedy and Fire Chief Larson.
Temporary Assistant Fire Chief Appointment
Councilman Grainger called the meeting to order. Chief Larson explained
Assistant Fire Chief Roger Bowman's surgery and possible 6-8 month
recuperation period. He asked the committee to consider what is involved in
naming an acting Assistant: would there be a time limit on appointment
until we know of Roger's return to ensure it would remain on temporary
basis. Mayor Kennedy asked if another fire fighter would have to be hired
as replacement. Larson explained that his department's budget is formulated
to consider hiring a firefighter trainee this year; budgeted for 20
firefighters, they have only 19 and it is imperative that the 20th be hired.
Chairman Grainger urged that he advertise now. Discussion of whether to
allocate Roger's vacation pay now or to create an emergency budget to cover.
Roger has 8 months of accumulated sick leave, near 1,356 hours. Councilman
Saverud encouraged the Chief to make a recommendation for an Assistant Chief
on a temporary basis to be presented to the City Council Budget Workshop
this evening.
Fire Marshal Applicant Interviews
Chief Larson announced that his department is ready to conduct interviews
for the position and stated that he would like for a couple of Captains to
sit in. Chairman Grainger said to go ahead, the committee would not be
needed but the Mayor may wish to sit in on interviews. Chief Larson asked
that if Mayor Kennedy sat in on one that he be present at all interviews,
• this applies also to Assistant Fire Chief interviews. City Attorney Neier
will be consulted to see what course is to be followed re an Assistant
Chief. Pat Buls was recommended for the advancement to Firefighter First
Class and it was the consensus of the committee to go ahead.
to go ahead.
Vehicle Washing/Repair in City Work Areas
Discussion revealed that it was unfair that one department of city employees
have an extra set of benefits that others do not have. Consensus was that
the Mayor's policy on not washing/working on vehicles in city shops stand.
Blue Cross Insurance
Chairman Grainger gave a brief recap of a discussion with agent, Bill
Smithers. He explained the option of "Cost Containment": Drug costs will
be paid only on the generic drug amount, if name brands are purchased, the
insured will pay the difference. If surgery is indicated, a second opinion
must be searched out, and if a conflict, possibly a third. This choice of
coverage would be an endorsement to our present policy and the premium rate
would remain the same if Cost Containment is selected. Chairman Grainger
recommended that this option be accepted. Mayor Kennedy will be in touch
with Agent Smithers and report back to Council.
City Liability Insurance
Chairman Grainger stated that the original recommendation was to go with the
League of Cities coverage but after much discussion re coverage limitation,
• sale of bond, etc. that plan was withdrawn and we went back to private
Personnel & Policy Committee Page 2 July 29, 1986
carrier. We now have coverage on E and 0, liability and physical damage
auto insurance, buildings, firemen malpractice, police liability. General
• liability for the city has been extended to September 1, with hopes that a
Seattle firm will pick us up. Grainger is not sure costwise but feels
confident with this coverage. This will be brought up at next Council
Employee Hiring/Firing Policy
Discussion of temporary employee hiring, firing practices: temporary City
Judge Secretary. It was decided that temporary positions if within scope of
the budget, may be filled by the Mayor through normal channels, Unions, etc.
The question of the city shop mechanic was brought up. Councilman Saverud
asks that the committee be notified of any employee change, extended sick
leave, retirement, etc in the form of a memo.
Personnel Changes Current Fiscal Year
Mayor Kennedy reported that we are uncertain of funds for remodeling the
Water Department counter into a general cashier counter; it may be necessary
to use as is. Some changes will be made in rearrangement of this office.
Parking Regulation changes were mentioned, this may involve the meter maid,
Dispatcher Sandy Haupt and Traffic Signal employee Allen Bardwell moving
into the administrative office area. One option is to have the Judge's
office receive all parking, etc. money. There is no accountability in the
present procedure, $2 and $10 tickets are written out of the same book, it
is impossible to keep control of ticket numbers. Or, all cashiering could
be moved to treasurer's area -rearrangement for this option would not be very
costly and with one cashier only, with 1/2 salary from Parking Regulation,
there would no money increase. One other concept might be to make the
Judge's secretary a full time position, using that person half time with
taking minutes, filling in for Mayor's secretary, etc.
A brief discussion of ambulance services, how many firefighters are being
used, method of dealing with uncollectible ambulance charges.
Mayor Kennedy stated that he wants the committee to know that he is very
willing to work hard at being mayor and asked that if an administrative
problem came up that it be addressed in his office and not on Council floor.
Councilman Saverud reports that he had a complaint from a resident that four
city street crew people were sitting, waiting for a work assignment all of
one day while the paint machine was down. Saverud asked Mayor Kennedy to
check it out and no substance was found to the report. The next day that
individual called back to say that a mistake had been made, the people he
talked with were in error: it was county crews and striping machines they
were talking about!
The meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M.
Markie Sabol
Recording Secretary