06-09-86 Personnel Committee MinutesSafety/Personnel June 9, 1986
See attachments under Safety copy
The meeting was attended by Council members Grainger, Schindler, Saverud and
Hafferman, Mayor Kennedy, Fire Chief Larson, Fire Marshal Bowman,
Clerk/Treasurer Halver and Roger Hopkins.
1. Fire Department report.
Fire Chief Larson passed out a report on the goals of the Fire Department and
reviewed the points in the report with the committee members.
He also passed out copies of the 1977 "ISO" rating of the Fire Department.
He described the areas where the city has improved and also explained the
effect of the different rating classes on property insurance.
Chief Larson presented the job descriptions of the Fire Marshal and Assistant
Fire Chief and explained them. He also reported on the duties of the Fire
Larson stated he and the Fire Marshal had been able to just keep up with the
basic management needs . of the department and requested all three
administrative positions be maintained.
Chief Larson highly complimented Roger Bowman and requested he be appointed
Assistant Fire Chief. Larson also requested he be authorized to begin the
search for a replacement Fire Marshal.
•_ Larson concluded his report with the comment that we needed to maintain
promotion opportunities to maintain morale of the employees. He also said it
would take 60 days to fill a Fire Marshal vacancy.
Councilman Grainger stated the Mayor has the authority to appoint Roger
Bowman as Assistant Fire Chief. The committee supported Mayor Kennedy's plan
to recommend at the next council meeting that Roger Bowman be promoted to
Assistant Fire Chief.
2. Mayor Kennedy reviewed a proposal to establish a central City Hall
Cashier to collect all moneys coming into City Hall. This proposal would
require some remodeling of areas of City Hall and rearrangement of some
staffing. He and Clerk Halver will work on the details.
3. Handbill Ordinance
Mayor Kennedy reported the Gateway West Mall and B & B Shopping Center have
requested their properties be included within the jurisdiction of the City
Handbill Ordinance.
After discussion it was recommended the Personnel and Policy Committee
present a request to the next council meeting to make it a city-wide
0 Safety/Personnel June 9, 1986
4. City Judge Office Staffing
Judge Fran Willis discussed the office staffing needs of her department. The
concept of a central cashier was reviewed with her and she felt that would be
great for the parking citations her office presently handles but she didn't
think it was feasible for the time payment cases and bonds she handles.
Judge Willis said she needs a secretary to be there in the morning when she
is busy handling arraignments and she must have a secretary during trials.
She stated the Judge should be a full time position and she needs a permanent
half-time secretary. The problem with sharing a secretary is the secretary
may not always be available when needed.
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