05-05-86 Personnel Committee MinutesPersonnel and Policy May 5, 1986 9:00 AM
Chairman Grainger, Council members Saverud and Hafferman, Mayor Kennedy, City
Attorney Neier, Clerk/Treasurer Halver.
1. Banner Policy. Mayor Kennedy presented the proposed banner policy. The
committee recommended the following changes.
A. Banner applications will be approved on a space available and
first come -first served basis.
B. Duration was changed to 14 days from 10.
C. The Department of Public Works will be the review office.
The revised policy will be presented to the council tonight.
2. Local Option Gas Tax. Mayor Kennedy reported the three City Mayors and
Two County Commissioners have agreed upon a method for distributing the Local
• Option Gas Tax proceeds, should the issue be approved by the voters at the
June 3, 1986 primary.
The distribution would be made based on where the gas is sold. The council
needs to approve the Interlocal Agreement establishing this distribution.
Councilman Saverud moved the committee recommend endorsement of the
Interlocal Agreement proposed. Councilwoman Hafferman seconded and the
motion carried.
3. Motor Vehicle Fee Distribution. The mayor and committee discussed the
report that the cities are not getting their proper Motor Vehicle Fees
because the county is not including owners using Post Office Box Numbers in
the city distribution.
Clerk/Treasurer Halver was asked to investigate.
4. Cancer Treatment Center. Councilman Saverud asked if the Council should
go on record in support of the proposed Kalispell Regional Hospital and asked
if it could be put on the Personnel and Policy Committee agenda for tonight.
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Personnel and Policy May 5, 1986 9:00 AM
5. Revised Salary Ordinance. The proposed amended salary ordinance prepared
by the City Attorney contains a salary of $9.50 per hour for a Wastewater
Treatment Plant lab technician/operator. The union contract had a lab
technician at 9.32 and an operator at 9.50. The present employee is working
as a lab technician/operator and receiving the 9.50 rate.
The committee decided to leave the salary ordinance as is and try to settle
it at negotiation time.
6. Surveyor's Seasonal Worker. Mayor Kennedy reported the AFSCME union
feels the surveyor's seasonal worker is doing surveyor's aide work and should
be paid more than the seasonal laborer's rate.
The committee feels the employee is being paid in accordance with the pay
scale and policy of the contract in regards to seasonal employees.
7. Water Department Compliment
• Councilman Saverud reported Marion Counsell of 1501 8th Ave East wanted to
compliment the Water Department on the manner in which they had repaired his
water line. He said it was the nicest work he had seen in years. When they
were done you couldn't tell they had been there they had cleaned up so well.
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