04-29-86 Personnel Committee MinutesPersonnel and Policy April 29, 1986 9:30 AM Chairman Grainger, Council members Saverud and Hafferman, Mayor Kennedy, City Attorney Neier, Clerk/Treasurer Halver and Roger Hopkins. 1. Chairman Grainger opened discussion on picking a negotiator for the City. He stated that the cost between Dan Johns and Don Klepper would be the same at two hours with Klepper's costs becoming lower after two hours. A possible advantage to Dan Johns would be the possibility he would be available on the spur of the moment. 2. Chairman Grainger requested the Council give this Committee the power to act so negotiations could be concluded in a reasonable time and keep the cost of the negotiator down. The committee concurred. 3. The committee agreed to have the Mayor advise the unions the City desires to open the contracts for negotiation. This has to be done 60 days before the contracts expire. Mayor Kennedy was authorized to send the letters today. First meetings will be set in accordance with the provisions of the individual contracts. 4. After several breaks to check references, the committee, having power to act, moved to authorize Mayor Kennedy to contract with Don K. Klepper to be the City's negotiator. 5. The Committee will ask the Council, at the May 12, 1986 council workshop, to give them the power to act during negotiations with the unions. 6. The banner policy is still being worked on. 7. The hiring policies will be presented to the council when most of them are ready. 0 - 1 -