01-20-11 Parking Commission MinutesKALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION MONTHLY BOARD MEETING MINUTES Date: January 20, 2011 Location: KPC Conference Room In attendance: Chairperson Janet Clark, Mark Pirrie, Ron Trippet, John Hinchey and Joel Schoknecht. Minutes recorded by: Karen Durado, KPC Office Manager 1. Call to Order: Called to Order at 7:32 a.m., By: Janet Clark, Chairperson 2. Approval of the Agenda: Moved by Joel, second by Ron. Approved by all Board Members. 3. Approval of November 12 Board Meeting: Moved by John, second by Ron. Approved by all Board Members. 4. Hearing of the Public: 5. Approval of Financial Statement of December 2010: Moved by John, second by Ron. Approved by all Board Members. Discussion followed regarding snow removal budget. 6. Updates from KPC: Street Update — Jack Jack requested that we have snow removed from the Centre Court Lot. People are parking on the street instead of the lot because of the fewer number of spaces available due to the accumulating snow. Janet will speak to Jane Howington (City Manager) to see if something can be done. Jack expressed concern over the number of vehicles with Washington plates parked in the Ed Lot. Several have been here for a number of years. KPC Office Update - Karen See attached Office Managers Report Unfinished Business: Lot Contracts Glacier Bank and Valley Bank Lots - Janet has tried to contact Charlie Harball (City Attorney) and he has been out of town. Valley Bank has contacted Ron requesting the status of the Ordinance change. Eagles Lot The ticket machine covers will be started on Friday. The Eagles will be installed first and then the remodel of the Valley Bank cover will begin. 7. New Business• Epworth United Methodist Church mailed us an offer to purchase permit parking in the Methodist Lot at approximately half of our already discounted rate. Discussion followed and it was decided that in order to remain consistent with our policy we are not able to offer them an additional discount. Central School sidewalk shoveling Ron expressed concern over the ice build-up on half of the sidewalk North of Central School. Karen will check the map that went out with the snow removal bids to see if it was part of the bid. Election of the 2011 Parking Commission Chair Mark Pirrie was nominated as the 2011 Chairperson. The next meeting will be on February 17th Adiournment: Adjourned at 8:20 a.m. moved by Ron, second by John. Approved by all Board Members. Respectfully submitted: Karen Durado The mission of the Kalispell Parking Commission is to effectively manage the parking inventory in order to adequately meet the needs of downtown's customers, employees, visitors and residents. KAREN'S NOTES — KPC BOARD MEETING KPC UPDATE: January 2011 Street Update —Jack Office Update — Karen: See Reports. Questions for Karen? Tickets: 232 tickets written for a total of $2,350.00 50% collected Parking Permits: Permits Up $1,709.00 from last month, down $1,372.00 from last January Collections: CPI income for January $181.54 The Boot: The boot was used once for a total of $85.00 ($50.00 fines, $35.00 boot fees) Occupancy Report: Westside capacity is at 88% and Eastside is at 99% for a combined total of 93% Meters: up $107.29 from last month, up $120.04 from January 2010. An additional deposit of $100 was made into the Meter and Machine Collections for the month of December. Glacier Bank had $100 that was unaccounted for and determined that it should have been included in the Parking Commissions deposit. Notices: Very exciting news will provide you with an update. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: