02-17-11 Parking Commission MinutesKALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION MONTHLY BOARD MEETING MINUTES Date: February 17, 2011 Location: KPC Conference Room In attendance: Chairperson Mark Pirrie, Janet Clark, Ron Trippet, John Hinchey and Joel Schoknecht. Minutes recorded by: Karen Durado, KPC Office Manager 1. Call to Order: Called to Order at 7:30 a.m., By: Mark Pirrie, Chairperson 2. Approval of the Agenda: Moved by Janet, second by John. Approved by all Board Members. 3. Approval of January 20 Board Meeting: Moved by John, second by Janet. Approved by all Board Members. 4. Hearing of the Public: 5. Approval of Financial Statement of January 2011: Moved by Janet, second by John. Approved by all Board Members. Discussion followed regarding snow removal budget. Karen provided Board Members with a to -date figure for amount used. 6. Updates from KPC: Street Update — Jack Weather still an issue. Discussion followed regarding current boot removal fee. It was decided that the fee would remain the same. Jack inquired about the status of the Ordinance request change. Janet provided an update. Janet contacted Teresa and she was going to follow up with Charlie. Janet is going to request that a copy of the Ordinance change be provided for the Board to review and approve prior to its approval. KPC Office Update - Karen See attached Office Managers Report Karen recommended that all tickets that we do not have a name or address for be written off 1-year from the issue date. This is the current procedure followed for out of state tickets. They are written off 1-year from the issue date if payment has not been received. John made a motion to update the current process as stated above, second by Ron. Mark requested that we find out how long we are required to keep original tickets that have been paid. Karen recommended that we close the KPC PO Box that we currently have due to the fact that we do not receive any important mail there. Ron made a motion to close the PO Box, second by John. Unfinished Business: Lot Contracts Eagles Lot Ron provided the Board with an update on the covers for the ticket machines. Ron expects the covers to be done by mid -March, end of March at the latest. The Eagles Lot will be completed first and then the re -model will begin at Valley Bank. Striping of Main Street Jane and Janet have been discussing the striping of Main Street. The BID has agreed to it and the Parking Commission has expressed interest in the past. The City would pay for the labor and the Parking Commission and the BID would pay for the paint. Jane is thinking about putting it out for bid to a contractor outside of the City employees. She thinks that she can put together a better deal this way. She would like to use a special longer lasting paint. She would like to know if the BID and the Parking Commission would agree to share proportionately in the cost if it was put to an outside bidder. We would not just be buying the paint we would be paying a portion of the total contracted bill. It would be divided between The City, the BID and the Parking Commission. The BID is for it but would like to know the amount prior to getting the final commitment. The Parking Commission would like to see it in writing before anything is done. 7. New Business: Kelly Main Street Property Ron has been exploring the possibility of a purchase and/or trade option for the currently vacant Kelly Main Street building. He provided the Board with several possible options if the Board and the City were interested. The Board felt that it is worth exploring. Janet will contract Jane to see if she feels it is worth pursuing. The next meeting will be on March 17'. Adiournment• Adjourned at 8:10 a.m. moved by Janet, second by Ron. Approved by all Board Members. Respectfully submitted: Karen Durado The mission of the Kalispell Parking Commission is to effectively manage the parking inventory in order to adequately meet the needs of downtown's customers, employees, visitors and residents. KAREN'S NOTES — KPC BOARD MEETING KPC UPDATE: February 2011 Street Update —Jack Office Update — Karen: See Reports. Questions for Karen? Tickets: 230 tickets written for a total of $2,380.00 40% collected Parking Permits: Permits Up $6,500.00 from last month, down $471.00 from last February Collections: CPI income for February, have not received The Boot: The boot was used once for a total of $147.28 ($112.28 fines, $35.00 boot fees) Occupancy Report: Westside capacity is at 88% and Eastside is at 99% for a combined total of 93% Meters: up $298.92 from last month, up $179.83 from February 2010 Notices: Current for those that we have addresses for 340 Final Notice Letters mailed February 8tn As of March 8t" $1,570.00 in payments have been collected as a result of the letters On March 91" I sent 52.105.00 worth of tickets to CPI after not havinLy received navment after one month from the date the letters were mailed. Old tickets that we do not have names or addresses for I wrote off $910.00 worth of tickets that were issued between May 2009 and February 2010 that we do not have names or addresses for. Snow Removal Financials show YTD $19,841.00 Does not include the following invoices: All Bright $1,792.00 All Bright $1,120.00 Double Diamond $1,270.00 Actual YTD $24,023.00 ($9,023.00 over budget) Karen Vacation I spoke with Mark and will be taking three vacation days at the end of the month. I will be gone Wednesday, March 30th through Friday, April 1st.