08-18-11 Parking Commission MinutesKALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION
Date: August 18, 2011
Location: KPC Conference Room
In attendance:
Chairperson Mark Pirrie,
Janet Clark, Ron Trippet, John Hinchey and Joel Schoknecht.
Minutes recorded by: Karen Durado, KPC Office Manager
1. Call to Order:
Called to Order at 7:34 a.m., By: Mark Pirrie, Chairperson
2. Approval of the Agenda:
Moved by Ron, second by Janet. Approved by all Board Members.
3. Approval of June 16 Board Meeting:
Moved by Janet, second by Ron. Approved by all Board Members.
4. Hearing of the Public:
5. Approval of Financial Statements of June and July 2011:
Moved by Ron, second by Janet. Approved by all Board Members.
6. Updates from KPC:
Street Update — Jack
Currently on medical leave.
KPC Office Update - Karen
See attached Office Managers Report
Unfinished Business:
Lot Maintenance
Ron inquired about the Juniper bushes on the outside edge of Eagles Lot. Half of them
are dead and he wanted to know if he should remove them. Janet suggested that
we see if The City could remove them. Janet requested that Ron trim the tree along
the alley side that has the shoots growing out of it. She also requested that he
trim the shrubs at the end of the alley and 1st so you are able to see around them.
Ron met with Jill (Co -Rental) regarding the poles in the Ed Lot that are in need of repair.
Ron will contact her with more specifics such as pole height.
Ron was able to meet with Jim Ness regarding the Glacier Bank employee parking north
of Wheatons. You can no longer go across the sidewalk to get in the lot. They
are working on the signs and posts and once they get approval from The City the
signs will be installed.
7. New Business:
Colter Coffee
Colter Coffee and possible solutions to their concerns were discussed. They are
struggling with their parking and are wondering what we can do to help them. Ron
made a motion to table Colter Coffee until our September meeting. Second by Mark.
Approved by all Board Members. We will invite a representative from Colter Coffee to
our next meeting to see what suggestions they may have.
First Interstate Bank 1-hour parking
First Interstate is ready to proceed with 1-hour parking. They need to have the proper
signage in place before we can monitor the lot. The signs must clearly state 1-hour
parking, Monday - Friday,
8:00-5:00, $10.00 fine and monitored by the Kalispell Parking Commission. John made
a motion to move ahead with First Interstate 1-hour parking, second by Joel. All Board
Members voted in favor of the 1-hour parking except Janet. Mark will meet with Joleen
(First Interstate) to discuss sign requirements. Janet requested that there be some
consistency with the signs. Glacier Bank has placed some signs and Janet suggested First
Interstate have similar signage.
Snow Removal
Janet and Mark met with Jane Howington (City Manager) a few months ago and
discussed the possibility of The City helping us with snow plowing. Jane suggested that
Mike Baker (Parks & Recreation Director) may be able to help us out. Mike requested
copies of our snow removal contracts from last year. Karen will provide Janet with
copies of the contracts. Mark would like to have something in writing by the end of
MT Building
Ron inquired about the status of the Montana Building. Janet heard that someone
purchased it. She suggested that we contact the new owner and have a new contract
drawn up with them.
Missoula Parking Commission
Ron provided The Board with some information that he obtained from the Missoula
Parking Commission manager. They are in the process of discontinuing the credit card
function on their meters. The credit card revenue loss is too much to justify the
continued use of the credit card function on their meters. They plan to return the IPS
meters and replace them with the old mechanics. He also provided The Board with
information related to their new fine structure.
Linda Clark (Montana Expressions) is going to take a letter around to businesses briefly
stating please don't park in front of your neighbors business. It is not good for your
business or theirs. She may contact Karen to request a map of the parking lots that are
available for permit parking.
The last day Jack worked was Friday, August 5'1i. He had surgery on Monday, August
15th and is expected to be out for approximately 4 weeks (Monday, September 12th). Jane
Howington (City Manager) suggested the possibility of having someone fill in for Jack
while he is out. Jane has had some retired police officers inquiring about part-time
opportunities and thought that this may be a good time to do some cross -training.
The next meeting will be on September 15th
Adjourned at 8:15 a.m. moved by Mark, second by Joel. Approved by all Board Members.
Respectfully submitted:
Karen Durado
The mission of the Kalispell Parking Commission is to effectively manage the parking inventory in order to adequately
meet the needs of downtown's customers, employees, visitors and residents.
KPC UPDATE: August 2011
Street Update —Jack
Office Update — Karen: See Reports. Questions for Karen?
Tickets: 80 tickets written for a total of $810.00, 58% collected
Parking Permits: Permits up $8,519.00 from last month, up $1,035.00 from last August
Collections: July CPI income paid in August $121.42
The Boot: The boot was not used in August.
Occupancy Report: Westside capacity is at 75% and Eastside is at 101% for a combined total of
Meters: down $41.04 from last month, up $279.93 from August 2010