03-06-86 Personnel Committee Minutes(See attachment Safety Comm. copy) Personnel. & Safety - Joint Meeting March 6, 1936 Attendance: Mayor Kennedy, Councilmembers Grainger, Schindler, Saverud and llafferman, Police Chief Stefanie, City Attorney h'e-_er, Clerk/Treasurer Halver, Assistant Fire Chief Larson and Ro;;er Hopkins. PERSO'.iNEL AND POLICY 1. Fire Department Grievance The committees gave the Mayor and City Attorney authority to represent the City in selecting a mediator for the grievance. 2. Police Lieutenant The cocnittees concluded past practice indicated Lieutenant Dupuy should receive the sane benefits as the Police Union menbers even though he is not in the union. A letter defining the procedures for setting his salary and benefits should be prepared, signed by the Mayor and put in his file and the City's master personnel file. These procedures apply to Dupuy and not the position, Glen Neier suggested the council approve the letter. Councilman Grainger said the co7jaittee had been given power to act but the, action will be reported to the council. 3• Uniform allowances The Police Chief, Assistant Police Chief, and Police Lieutenant, did not receive the increase in the clothing allowance paid to the police union. members, Hayor Kennedy and Clerk Halver are requesting the policy for paying clothing allowance -for supervisors also be defined in writing. • Councilman Grainger requested all these questions be routed through the Mayor to the council. Policy for clothing allowances for non -bargaining unit employees will be established by the council at the next meeting. 4. Fire Chief Replacement Procedure for securing a replacement for the Fire Chief was discussed. It was concluded the Mayor has the authority to appoint with approval of the council. Council members are welcome to participate in interviews. 5. Fire Department staffing Duane Larson told the Mayor that delaying the replacement of the Fire Chief would increase the department wort: load, Councilman Grainger also commented the department is operating at minimum staffing now. Mayor Kennedy said he is still waiting for the cost of retirement of the Chief and isn't ready to make a decision on the replacement timing, 6. Clerk II promotion procedures. [Mayor Kennedy asked if there was a policy for pron!otion from Clerk I to Clerl: II. There is no written policy. The committee felt it was up to the discretion of the Mayor and Department Heads. 141 . Personnel & Safety - Joint Meeting March 6, 1986 �. 7. Educational assistance Fireman Jim Neal has requested consideration of educational assistance for him to work for a Master's Degree. He would need 52 hours at a cost of $95.00 per credit hour. The committee concluded they would like to encourage anyone t•:ho wants to further their education but they didn't have any source of funds for this request. The corn=ittee requested the Mayor write him a letter stating there aren't any funds available. S. Retired Police Officer Pay Bob Sevier has requested the city determine the proper base pay of a "confirmed officer" as needed to determine the retirement rate of retired officers. The City Attorney will investigate this. 9• Banner Policy After considerable discussion of proposed policies suggested by Attorney Jeff Ellingson and City Attorney Neier, the committee recommended the City Attorney's proposals be presented to the council for consideration. His proposal includes: 1. $150.00 fee 2. To announce an event, activity or celebration, no political parties or candidates. 3. Applicant must sign statement agreeing to comply with state laws and will not descriminate in violation of the Montana Human Rights Act. Councilwoman Hafferman felt the $150.00 fee would prevent many organizations from using banners. The committee suggested trying a fee of $75.00. Councilman Grainger requested the Mayor and City Attorney work up a proposed policy for the council to consider. 10. 4-10's work shifts. Mayor Kennedy and Clerk/Treasurer reported they had received approval from: the AFSCME union to try allowing the Clerk/Treasurer's staff to work four ten hour shifts a week. They would be working as teams with one team member being of on Monday and the other on Friday. The committee agreed it could be tried as long as it was done as a manarement prerogative and was not put into the contract. 2 - Personnel h Safety — joint Meeting Earth 6, 1986 SAFETY Police Chief Stefanie presented a report regardin3 suggestions for consolidation of dispatch services and a discussion of "911" emergency nunber proposals. (report attached to original. minutes.) At the conclusion of his report the committee requested he and Councilman Schindler prepare a policy statement for the council to consider presenting to the 11911" Coi=ittee. Chief Stefanie reported the 11911" committee has about completed their bylaws and the Nayor should contact the other City Mayors for their feelinzs on this subject. dh s LJ - 3 - ft