Ordinance 275 - Form of Bonds SID 134ISMAYM] U7 PPUIR 10TROV472N PIPIRWIT E 1143 !P1107D HAWN
SYTIR =NK071 03"TRICT K0. 134 To ';', T'. "E', 0--!lK(T;'!"ITTT.
07 11 CYCIA110 15 = CITY MTECII W TP ClIN 00 FA1190M, JI&T,
-o'c"jon 1. All_'i _cL widn xnAhorj7ed to
be Wed ".]"irk fat liver& in goyment o1" cost
in i n,,,I ru) , u Y, Ti e n t a, -I e,,,, (ir ', 1 e, el Ln 'Llne vorol,i`aion crentJn>
SIver d-3 impovement 71stvict in), Oiram Lhe q qppved �ly of' 5th dn
OWN, IV!?, sa hall be dated on Wie Isd t qe y of NytNen 2,12, nld
shn1l be of the denomir;Uion of 7ive 0indred Q50%00), ID013"I's,
e°lch' (:xr'ep.)t O-'deh "jon'l n., -'necerr_""y ror �ny L,),)I,t
of 1500MO it cwgiete ory _An,)1 ✓unde,,, con'tr_t for
yk&F amid WUyrovenento and &oil benr interept ut the rnte of
Q per afmum interest pamwe on we Ist m or Tomum of encil
,env nul W11 be due on! paynble on or Wore W"i Ist. day of
,,,3nurtr,1t nnd QR21 be rcE00red as of %te, 1vt lay of
sae ptorl_"er 1512, in the ofrice OV W�ie Oit'izr a €' of t1ho of
jp!:Spell, Each of 0e Ovid 1nds . 1,navc) 'ereto
ter interest co�ywn, said ton" Mail Le MUned by W 'Ayor
ano Cito Clerk 'and POW hive the carpormn sea] of the Cite of
KWHyall w7rixed o�creto and Ko inoercsL ewiman uttached Lo
chA of Puld Wrin Phill boor the ml�-rRved
of thn TTSOY �01 ?i Lt ImA, RnK bond shnA be reristered in tho
o"'Ice of the CiL" si, ' ', ' ,, , (,, n h ,�'n Vj _� nnne e
reLisfratiun of mch of s;yid bnnds�
Section 2. The Wids s: R11 . e in for :, lid 1vnE-'ugt:r'e
gn 021ovs:-
f A 1 Cr'11,1. I,'V' i r T 101','-D
of "'�je Cit-y �)f of
inwos it wo riLl of ov k, 91, -nqtrvin, -Am rrolinr on,",
pvvjij; lWr c-rtqin sidw-3ks W PoW, cnslructhy storm
so-ers And 1y;Q 'jn
as 21rd Strocz in im 1 1 City or Kal,� 1-�'l o
o".re Council pasFed nw! "Aprovy: thV150i Wy
of 1"12' 7pecin! Wproj=n�-nt 7',rict 'o, ij4
in wincordmice ,iAl v-�ina'ncen of o°iri Ci'..,y
Tip city or je,lispe2j, ov 7uwWipQ Car'nruWai vf Ae Ptatte
77-7 —,71, —,7. 77 77 c, r uo t
Lhe ', 'r"'7777
as t -r the
"n M1 and OHM the Ist rKy uf
f e un W 14 , X ire ON '"A 1 i ',rOst
paynWe nut of Pp�riql 71FAIct Fo. 134 aat'ra®
pyovijed for ly an urdinsnc� cr r0d CI ,, qnd no[ Khmmise.
is 1& nM is pugul le on or WQ',_"c the of 7s,rutixy D)25,
°rnrl ";n 1v tbAe Cit; Trevsnym' of void Nt" when-
nx LAUTU W� 12 1 e sufficient W.110y in sqid 141nd 00 gny tale swe,
topeoher 0Z "31 unpqid bunds of
p,,,3 is .,10, - ich are ptior OG WAs 1v,,,,nd in or'ier
safficjent fmid mr the qqymenO V interart
jo 1;e, reto P LY oL ed f Dr P,mh ills 07 11"Ont 01' i ntclrest
Lo qocrue hereon Qnd onid plid eyj proseven tion
nod sA—ender of ucli '-U"' in C%"'e
t', ir rd is c-210d for pnn'"Ont imfurn its ru"VitY, eqot qnd
c-I o.'n reprercnting interest not "enamd Q Amt tWe,
"�'n'd ",-o c-11, "-Ih�I*j be vid.
The roll for pqj!YenU o- WAs Knd " of -ny 1 . nd Mho soKcs
of KAM Shin is �,n 11, 11 Le r, de by OU PiLy Tl urer Q
out" isQC the pnne in tie offinial nowpop er :Df Me City,
vie mote umn nVi& Snell OwN in jmyove -n� ;pn ronh Coll is !ndc
for tne jMjnenL so Min nnu, ire erent uc'IeIc exr i'hf" di'�Y
desica"Led VI inch wtice.
q�in bond ip 'ne uf Y sprion in
t'ne sun"' ef '-.;'iVo 7'1:'�"Is="Y.od irswod in paji,wit Fca,
innov mnhn in rAd 2peciul impnovcrent T'iot'-C'ict "e. J"'Aj -;11. of
"ich, pubjqct tv Ow snwe tnyns qn,3 r winions qs 1 avein
oxvyerrel nNd —C pqYnIt: in num"RM on0r, 1 c7h. jnq NO the
lowept nwiner.
it is cortified "rP -0-M& 41�4, 94 -0s 7rd wAngs
regdpwi t . be we weWpnt Ko Qe Ksue of Pis !mud inve been
pvoperly done, hnpVoned And jjM-rmel in Uo LpyureweperMed Q
��)o a. 1�'f '".00 �M, YK 00 res-il%YWY Ond Yndinawas
of the 01 t of M inwIl MoMT 0 t—c insmince W Onmf.
uf 'nc!o-od'
pipled ig its Azcr n"! q1tested I,j jAs CiQ Monk
qnd VwQed n41h its cwryonki ReRl, on! Ow wy,w , weto njowbol
to Tuor An foo-sImAn slinn �ven of F, id nVn- ini CIQ CIM, Ais
1� RPM L
'InId OnId py-n 00 enporred '01 fQ20wn:-
MnAlct 'V. 334 of Am 'Ity uf -43 inwpl, fZyje or V-
20t 17 :2, 1", p or
rlu�n' A� 10TANY, nn kne office thp CIVY rtjun�Y2, jyj
the City of -)I I sPell, inciristewud I st R, of Nvtmoen IVW
tu Yq to the Inaror, ut On opfice of jAy, Cjq
c r,r 'o lic"er es L
1rict Vo. 134 Qf K91 Opel!, out of yecpj]
OW t ir Owknol it, SyLlected
to "I] W temqn nnd tn'Witions wat'Uncy! in Hie LnId to y >11 it ifs
q nner ad .
'.' j I ", ') f T" .-, -, I "-,
Att-ot: C" j AWAK ister, City mern,
Portion 4a one of the loonds
provided for
horop A
ancePt umn thitten order
ol City
nd ajpruved Viv
5rd d-:.
of UpLer?"Or,
Couy�ty �,)f -71
ciq of in] Agell,
1, C', j, licAllis"'ev, �,.if f
Opan the
Tn, 174, -a! iont E—ld Ordhimceo,
roan Worl psted A a a perM -i "1Ve
bom no c�wccw or fatmvtions m4e LKY"in ''mcP L�w Vs"ge
'I -> v
c Clt,, ro