05-12 Parking Office ReportKAREN'S NOTES — CITY OF KALISPELL PARKING PARKING UPDATE: May 2012 Tickets May 2012: 340 tickets written total of $3,400.00 51 % collected May 2011: 345 tickets written total of $3,520.00 53% collected Parking Permits May 2012: $4,379.00 sold down $99.00 from last May May 2011: $4,478.00 sold Meters May 2012: $1,588.67 collected May 2011: $1,441.47 collected CPI Income April 2012: paid in May $233.75 April 2011: paid in May $403.38 The Boot up $147.20 from last May May 2012: Used 2 times total of $130.00. $60.00 fines $70.00 fees May 2011: Used 5 times total of $453.10 $278.10 fines $175.00 fees Occupancy Report May 2012: Westside at 102% Eastside at 104% combined total of 103% May 2011: Westside at 78% Eastside at 98% combined total of 87% *Westside occupancy percentages were much lower in 2011 because 50 spaces at Skyline were included in the total Westside capacity.