Ordinance 274 - Special Improvement District 134M Wnt=] 10, 274. Jl CW�T L'D 1114 " _AT_1' I'll" f'i 11"Pi'MDUCITS !I! BYTIT DYNT72ET DIPTRICT 10, 134 0ii1 K,'Q 7Y—Pn0PQTUNU NO (i7' T07TRICT N! 'T SAI-) FIDGifu ITY T' W! 100TTED AT? !KTT PKRT 07 TV VWE CT.. T U W ITS ARM% BATE Al 2TE EXCY FIVE T ETIRHETC, A] ITT-' Ann Pop! M MAMA, in p"Orm'.rc, re 1""k'Il) 1-2.1 AIM !7 SIMCIA7 171907� 2TT U!WICT BKOS W PA=UIT 011P 7� I, section 1. Th-t Ke entiTe co.-t ­nc� p-ovided for in RogoliAirl To, 471 , adyted 'ayl approv- ed On Lhe 1,L`. ,"",�y of T'o'ly, ]Q12, qnK finally ndap�xj �md hqprove(s an We 23w3 d9i- of DO;, 1012, crrqHn.­ ro. 254 of Wo City of v3 iq"Qj, 0,a7R, f cr 010 Inspone of eraTing, povkir ond laying sida!!Oks wA Y"Ts wd 1&ying w"tar r-tins orl ­i.,J_!j Ctj,(,ct Ptreet and Woth qtrewt in Wd Citn all in WWOWWce vq0the zpecificat:ona on file in the office ri� t-,^.e I i eer, SE iC3 with t1w OrdinWices K QW City of 1003 NoWl, Yrni providinly Hot zhe rost of wEntructinf; VUH improvanenta, o," qtl,('et -v n i�e� vactions Kw 11 be borne -nd p.id by Ww property vOthin oRj6 pistrict Le a i Ar' t1"'("' enti.re dlrjct described ill said 40001vitior.1 ov— LAqj PnN Specin! im9rove . and :j r rict So, 154 qnd Lhot end! ;UL Ur !-rem of 14nd rIvAn rwil viswi(wt sovill Le 'Wrowed for L)"'I't �',f ',hO Kale oust lid ampenne vAicli its greq bewn; to o' �' e - (') �' !"� 3 " � en ti T e d t C t , o x (" I .) e 1 V e 0 f ", t -r e eys, ., n (I p ub 1 i c i) _1 , �c E, s . Fecti-n 2. A"t Q3 thn conts qnd QU be 1wid by Opecin ;:ing 17, U C ' 1 b h C'11 0.li 11? lust Wid How', 'rl ich Tnn� eye in ri fr-icti: amount Aa vyc•ordnnoe wi th the C nw�.ct nice. 01 of p0d b(pide Unring Interowt "t We rRte Of W Per avinum und 0401 be in inith die fqr�-.,l fixed by FY rrdinqnce of Ua City ownwil. Sort" 3- "t Pyj 6 WHY nsse—enk W p0d in ten Do) ewl mmuu, Aintnownts, W""Yc w" Nyr 303. Section 4, VLwt L--ore it ',je,'Olry C-oc,rtzsd rnl t'c as Upecial Im"ruvalonL Tistriet 1"und '4C), IJA' in a11 plid hy wnrrw of twx lev, 1EqNst 11 C ppuppvty 'AMve door -Abed for Ohe InyienL of 0" clove wried aria j)rpvcv;ont pl.01 I too p2orud by the f)"enn-o-ce'r. W,tn of j'rdjn'qjCeS tn U,a­je�' 'ropealcd, 1 the P-ie is herbly Eq or A 'i to