Ordinance 271 - AutomobilesM ORD!- NO. 271 - An ordinance to arlend article V of Chapter M of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Kalispell regulating the use of r;,,itomobiles and other vehicles propelled by motor power. Pe it (,rdined by ike City 0—)uncil oP the City of 7alispell that Article V of ChRpter XV1 of the City of Kalispell, reguilating the use of automobiles, and other ve.,,icleo propelled by motor power be ariended to read -as follows: Section 416. shut h,-,)t no person or persons, siialj "rive, run or propel an automobile or other vehicle driven by motor pourer, on the public streeto, avenues or other public p2acer, in the City of K-33,ispoll at a �,Iretzter rate of speed th-in fifteen miles per 111 our ec-tion 427. Everk,, person or persons h,vinr.- control or charge of, driving, or v e cle driven propelling any ),utoylllloit�iie or otj�er hi , iven by motor power upon -.any public street, avenue, alley or oLhLer public Plr€ceS within said City of sj:ijll when approaching any velricle di-rm by i=orse or mule or upon ','I , ! ich horse Or mule any person ic, riding, operate, manage rind zatro" such autwaol,ile or other motor vehicle in such a manner as to exercise every reasonable precaution to prever.it Lhe fri,,htening of ^uiy such hors or mule -and insure the sRfety and protecticdn of ax y person riding or driving the same. And if such horse Or !,Wle appear friu .1itened, the person or persons in control of such automobile or other motor vc.,11icle, shall reduce its speed, ,nd if requeeted by signn.1 or othorvrise by the,, �Iriver Of such horse or mule, SlIqla not proceed further towards such nnimal unless such movement be r3ecesunry to avoid accident or iniury, or until such -?,nimRI .,,-.j)pearP %r) be i1nder th- control of its -,ecti(-)n 418. It shn-11 be unlawful for any person to ride, drive, run Or Propel any autoraobile or other vehicle driven by motor power, wlti,in said aid City of Ka3 is pell to which horns and 1-Imps -Ire not attaclie(i f0110v'!S:- All q-,1tQYhQbjles syl-RII carry one horn and two front 1�!,,,ips and one rerar la.md, d ail other vehicle .q striven by Tlotor poT.Ter shall c,l,rry one horn or bell and one front lamp Yid one rear 2�,Yflp. All of SF-:1id lamps on said vehicles running on the said streets, avenues, alleys or -public places in the 'ity of y.alispell shall keep lighted M white li,71its in the front Isr.ps and red li,,hts in the rear 11xinps r C and the term ,it times when running in staid City after dark n uf ter dark shall rneqn r1f ter the time the street I ig,11ts of the City of Kalispell are turned on st ni�-ht until s rrte 'are turned off in the morning. Bection 429. I'very person wiio is the owner of an automobile or otor 've., icle uned within the City of Kalispell shall be required to register the same in the office of the Chief of Police and shall pay therefor a registrt-i,tlon fee of Two Doll-,I,r,, -snd fifty cents, and sEiaI3 receive from. the Cliief of T."olice two r.,Ietal t,agz Lo be in such form tind rite andc­ntain vuch lettering as r,i,ny be determined by the Cl'iief of Police, one of r`ilich tags shall -be att�,)chod to the front of the Automobile of motor ve'rI.,iole and the ot'ner to the rear in such places an the Chief of Police may desi,v,nnte so thq-11 tlie snare shall be visible rat as (iist-r-4nee of fifty yards, and said tags shall, at all times be carried on said automobile or motor velhicle wher'r used in the City of F, rv,,I i sp el I "Iection 420. -lie tormo. i'.iotor verliele r,).nd vehicle propelled by rictor povier in this ordinance shall include 11 vehicles propelled by other pover tI'min muscular pourer, except railrond f3nI rziilwtay cr,irs n.nd rmtor vehicles runi'Mg c)nly ui.)on r*ilway trricl',s. S e c L i (-, n 4), 0 a . Thnt everjperson driving nn riutomobile or motor vehicle, vixen meeting Rny other vehicle witliill the City of 1� -; P � Cn i Kaliepell turn to then riEht, !�'nd On ')I] Occ, " i0l' , t1l ' t is practioal. to do so shall treivel on the 'right hand of the street sand ?as near the right hand curb thereof ar possible. Section 420b. Th,;-t every person driving an automol,i2e or motor Ve"icle sh's.3,13 in overt-a'"-in� vny other vehicle, puss to the left of ouch vu7,Icle, nnei the pers,Dn in cliarre of such v&licle so overtTi.ken and pnvsed shall give WUY to the rjrht. Se ction 420c. ThfIt cvc'r,'Y person driving an au'01310bilc Or motor vehicle, Shall in t urning to the right into �,-iother stref-.t, turn the corner %is near the ri�.rht hr;ind curb as pos,,-,ible, rand in turning M to tLe left into another vtr(.�,,ct, I pass to the right of end beyond the center of the street intersection Lefore turning. O,e b I , ction 420d. ljo person k3h,,)I,l stop an ziutoM (.) bile upon tI e street within the inner fire limits of the Citl,,, of with the leflu side of such vehl.icle toward or �Iong tliecurb @nd no person shell stop an automobile 7vititin �such inner fire limits, except aclose to the curb a-,, -,,;ractica)Ie. Section ection 4?0e. 10 person shall permit or clFuse Uie exh)ust from an eutamobile engine to i)e diqeh-a,rFed froT,,i Said engine except tIlro-ogja the mlA'N'ler attached thereto. Section 421. flny person or persons viola)ting,, any of the provis- ions of t�dv, article shall be punished by e fine of not exceeding $100.00 or by haprisonnent for � term not Ex(,,eed-Lnr,, sixty clays, or 'o�v both ouch -rdne -,in(] imprisonment. Passed -,nid approved 14th rja,, of Attest: 6t,,�Le. of Cou,�,,,ty Of SS Cj G Qf K-� L t 11-1.wl st, 1C 1 I. T, e, (3 j I ,-I yj �n j 1�, Y, 4 L i ri e d t e d ;)oriod, of fiver � been no "T e C e of ire � - co;, �i -; n,� r e c)f t i t, t j. f _i t e rn A U ti t 1 1, 2 Cit�. C1 evlk.