Ordinance 273 - Form of Bonds SID 135M
CAM'E&`TcClE 0EATY7 O MYK-PW—I'1`7111 3,:,, r'11'11-11." A117".,A "4ITIl
1,,U'Apt'!'511010 1PIOTPAIN 11,ICT ,(:DF, A,((,IIST
SPECIAL 1XK0T7jMT VTPTRICT 10, 135 1K 77 PIP' OY 1MV1M0jl_
III] Qcid Imp -ovmwnt District Bowls nutimrized to
be iswued -Ud delivered in PUPWI-r", 01- Oot -nfi ex�_L)ensi� incu,,-ced
in irnp-oov—men,,c, dencriLad in the resr3ition crevLin,
P , p e c i f i 1 ! Yn plv - q w n L F t r i c t 7 o 1Q, ryproved on Ova lVth day
Of JUI1 , 1t,12, F001 be doted on Wn Ist duy of Reptowdoer, 1`12,
- I 'no - i or-, I - e, -,n be of 1- cl e � iom i t ,, a, j!uil, r
o!lch, (�Xccpt Ouch bca-ld IS mr3") 'be "or
1) '?, r t a f, �: '15 i)().00 t Complete t.,,nt, plEyrierA un6er Us cinLruot
for YaRkinE; said improvements nnd'N"11 Wit interest ut the rnto
of 6/ par annini, jnturc,t pt.�,Y,-:OL]e on tulle -let of of
e9ch yegr ind an3l be due OEA payable ori or before the let day
of jqnw"Y 1923, and shall be 1"Fietered a of date, W cf •,. Jr of
Septcd)er, 1S12, in Lhe office "f Lne CiLy Treasurer N HE; Cjq,
of Wispell. `,�,ch of tiro bo,,As s"11 'agaveutt"ed hthereto
ton coui).,,ns, s:�%id Wnds skin!] Vve signed by Una vigor and
City C"E'T'Ic or,6 shUl have tile corporste se& of the City of'
K�nl J ni)'el ", -Iff ixed tn caret) K3YY1 the interest ca,uars Rttached to
eW of suid bonds sknll bear Uoc
Dr and City A ork. 74c73 bond shn]ed in eistr
Office of the City 1'reasinner, who rjya3 .inn his nuum Qn tW
re9iVtrst1r)r'A QC (-zCh of Faid 1)-,-)nds.
Aection 2, The UwWs Anil Le in form end larylusEe substUntiUly
as fo710W0:-
"' P F . � � 'm 1, L �1—j I P0 I �'-P �'� 0 1, T - 1
of the C i t of in] t a�)cl 1, te of
11'Ess",led lbby Ci% Of ly] fOr and
puving, !Ay:nj certain sidevylks qxYj CUI&S, (nalsiiructins l Storm
SeWers nvi lAying v,ster rmins on in -st-reet ''ailr.:)od
%reet mad Wrd Street Ar". Cit"', (.if Wippell, 0 UC10rdqncn
V it,i. re,--)1ution Of We "at,,, , Cl,,Ulical5,,,,).�rQved Li'le
tl, day of T',ily, or-qLing Special 0,wovenmnt 7400Act Ec, 135
arid in viccordance .i-je o-rdinanceo of City,
The City of RDA opell, q Aunicip` j(�rFktl. of
Of )�'ornisos Lr, ;aa , -,o t e
or 00.00 of the Mad stated hAth i teroot
thereon rrwn md KLcr tpe 1�,,t
rnto of 6% per qnnum, p9yaWe nnnmly, Ininciple ju& interest
pa"/7"llIe out of jnprrjv-,mFcy— 'o- 155 .7-urld,
a3:-! of said City qnd not cdherwire
21"1"." 'b-nd i's pnyUle nn or before 'Ic,nie I.s, of 7,jrju," _ry ]e�475,
orki-I is mu'ujoct to rj oe-i6 C-ity, Yif .nove-r
Uwrc KYA be suff -1(-J i?,nt ,cioney in `,`aid tlrie —.r',e,
tu�',, eUh.er a]l unp,,id C301 Q ol" tha -e Beries of indch QW3
i,-- (Dr-1c, IYANi are prior to Lhis bond in nvi-iecici-kj unCIer
o"-ove """'.irricient ftn,d fr III- pqjqient nf interest mi all unpulo
1Wnds 0V Wd series.
A coupon in heruto
to accrue hQvywi pro maid be on, :yresent,�tion
-Sid r'Arrendler of ralch t:- tt-1(1 cit", blit .111 c'Sl.se
this bend is coped for pRynont Wore its nownitn encl., and ovury
co,mn reprenentinH in _rent not ucwred ut Wmt wme, this bond
is pil"le unde- ""0 call, WoOl Le void.
The c!i]] :",or .)1,av ant of 1wnd c" W' ttny 1,ond of tile re-ries
of vAich LKs is Dne, Voll be movie "by thc, (lit,„?"Ui,'.i Ly
U i S I " ", t',,P. sq,-ie in uViciul ylewspnpo-r of ("i-ty, n""Tairlp,
the dote than wlicli such Lund is pqp&le and Wxn swch cull is,
nmde for the dqynent of this Owd, inteoest of Oeqve an vie
rhy deoignoted hi Dbol. notice.
Y,is bond is one of n neries in till, � ,)proxinvlteiy
tl,c -,uno, cle, "-7c,iurteen 'D'oun,,.-ntd (�14,000.00) ii;soed in
improvementc in "'Ild Irlprovervent Dio"ict lies.
1,35, "ili of i,,iiclli boa.,CIs re subject v 1,11oie terr"' n
ya herein exprenned qvare, ygar ntle in nwierical oWer, beginning
"he low eet nu"%bur
Tt is horeby certified and recited thRt all 'awt`; aid Wigs
reqUired to Le Trw precedent to the. isoue of tlris bonco lh.*ive been
prol)E,,-,^.ty r')nnc, Vinppened "rid performed in the wup= 1.J1"ev4.w1bed by
the Inve oT the Rtqte of Mnwma L, -�Yici tie* ,e,�oautiolls -,,nd ordinraces
o", tile I' itor -reintipw 0 the isswvce 00yeaf.
IN 15YONS YAR.E.011, V!'t, C'it,,; of D.ilirqpell hn, L,,zese
presents to he sipi,ed by its Ynyrr nnd qtteEted by itv OKI Mnrk
�nd rwied QV"; itr oorp"qtv seal, inl th(' lhevetcl sztt*-(-,hc�
to bew, Lho f9c-nimile rignatures of' ',-,or un(5 M'crlk,
t-',i o, I st, ln-, uf `,ej) t omber , 1 r:,12 .
Mtest: Ch j, KCAMPter C] ork.
CIA d bond sh, 1 1),-, 1
,i, -,J C,,'; I i i,
WsLrict 1 a. 135 of Te Citj of TO isliell, Mvite of"VYWM,
dqtwl Ist 41 of 1s1.2, interent t v-
per jiluTri, ` - 1E KTUMLY, nL Lke offAh`Y e of te 21%
in ',i1e '-it', of ?MArlwil, Repioterod IAQ Q3 of CeptaAer, a 12.
City Trvo. vrer.
wPll�i'111`2 ,�uvim
Or, thc fioc!f' f'
Cit'sf K!u,l
Pronisen La my Lo the hanirev, -A thy africe of tile city
Trc-,suver, '],",�Irty -T)Dllurs, �)-ne
11,'Lrtrest -i-oe oil Yc' of t'he 'j"91iris iJf
-Di,,ttr ict t>n 1")", o" i-pall. out of
Diptrict To, 155 Awl, and not otherwrine; pvw&ded thU tkh; owyon
is !wbj"ted to nil a terms md cundiOnns convAtuK in t1of hond
Ln v: "ch it is
Attest: it , 0 , UM 1 is ner, CAY "I nry
section 4. 'one of Uc Lonelp Drumm for wrein aw l,e del ivured
except upon Lhe V-11ten order a" on, rill councih
wassed qnd yproved t in 4rd Sq of Gepwler 1,12.
CiQ of NO
UiQ Clark.