Resolution 486 - Sprinkling District 1M A 712201101M TO l,,'STABJ 1 '1bRI111'i�1 '1'11. ., 1/ -11,)TVE"�'/ Y11-1' 'ITY COUNCH (W TIM CI—TY 1)75 1M.)'i,'Ll,' '01lT Mt for is Ourpone of sprin',-jing the ,streets �,nd iv«=,tueq Within W! City of Kulinpell, MmOnn, there is heraby creqto -1,istrict !o, 1. Th'+' C-."id Dintrict ,,,-a. 1. snall. include -all of the pro,)erty ul,,uttjn,!t an the utrects nd exenues as 1"Moinafter mentioned imi described: - Section 1. main How from na:[7 -o,ad to "'ourth Street. , 1 6 Ist Ave. E, from :"K7u96 :Wom, to A %15 Strest. Ave. V1., from Railroad 3treet to Street. 30t Went frwa Lhe oil ey between Ist rind 2nd Ave. W, to the alley between let Ave E., aaxrd'2-.qd Ave. &,ist. 2n4 'Streot 17rom the alley between Is', �lnd 2nd Ave, I to the alley be!,'voen ls,-.,,,nel 2nd Ave. E- jM Strext from IsUva. W. to the -.1ley 'notween Ist fjnd 2nd Ave. 2, -ection 2. 2nd Ave. 5`. Cron 1^t Street to Etii C—reset. 3'Cd Ave. T". fron�asilroa,cl Street to St'rl p,treet. M Ave, Z, frmn dusl!"Lnton Rtreot to 6th "t-rcet. 5t1 Ave. E, frogn HMO Street to Afeshiq--ton Street. 1'.lock Do, 1. lot Meet from the n1ley between 1st nnd 2n.1 Ave. E. to Ave. 1,11 2nd Strcet � rxn We alley between W qnd 2nd Ave. E. tt.') Wood1rind A jrd, Strost from the alley, between 1st t; Y. d 2nd Ave. R. to 2nI Ave. Ev M Street Own the Yloy loptureen lot and Ond Ave. 'E. to 6. JE 41ashlngton Street 1,rom 4th Ave. 10 to 5tli Ave.. H. Who Street frwa 4th ,,vr?. 7, To Ave, H. Reotion 5. 2nd Ave, W,'from Hailorad StreQ to 7th Street. '5rd Ave. W, M4 haOroad a,treet to ',th Street. Wi Av" W, i,f�-ilroad treet to 1-t!, Street, yth Av" W, •from RuiKond WroN to 4th ntreet. Ist Street Zrwa the alley tetreen ict !�,xjd 2nd Ave. W. ,a jt a x1,v(,. 'W 2nrl ",treet frnnq the MleESL st rind . tak I'y eW. 5Av� N 5th Street from 4th Ave. W. to alley between 4t,'h %nd jth Ave. W. tilere is 1180 Cre"Wd 0 wriMAing District Fund Ica. 1 and ehqt suid fund is hereby crooed for t�'ie puroose of Q2 Oxes collected for sprinl,,Iing in -k,hc afores-iid )i,-, tric ts wi tl,iin t'he Cityl of 11pn'l is,,)ell. Aut ull, ollaer nrlinnnces -,nd' reo-oluQcms heretofore pvosed creq-ting Q)rink2ing puri-)ooe of qprin�,Iin'� the streets!'�'n", °ive,.-.ucn -,,7it'nin swirlof!"Kalispell are hPreby repealed. ^.Y'd --q)proved this 701 rNY K A t t 0 's) t ZY1 x 11 4QQ- Clark. t7 CITY 0-l' KjV OcUben In hicAllipter, C, ty Colerk of the City of Kalispell do CC-tify tont ra Mle BUI do, of (oti"r, IV12, T to f')reFodyv7 rearoution to to popted on reMAxed in Wiwnce e v -1 � ( no. 174 mid wt Paid resolution Veilftiy'Cd PH fo , OUt�,riod if five nW—1 tk t or �lit cv,�tionr' -au-10 ti1qrein P Cit" lon"O", I , � , � '11& " sincify , '.� � � �' - 6 qunq n Pop Own. a" 1 "'A CYTOWnto