Ordinance 278 - Repeals Ord 262 - Railway Line041 278. A3W,D11-,11-!TCE 77PTIAj 1EC -A�IZ,I+.1C :)*f:C"IA-J'1710, I'l' TO B7 T`! 117TEM" TIOU OY Till CIL'i"T 07 KA3o'MP77'11 ATD NOTIFYING '7-7, �MRT117',E�RMAYTO A171 YOUTAMACCCMTANY, IMmiUrCmcOJIS 10�,IGITS0J,'11IEU-,T.,1,T10I OWITT OF KAI 19PRIT TO PRKASH TOTI Yh',T1,� CH'IF-k, 111�7� vlil, 71IR "Uppily 0111 `7,Alrl CORPORAT1011' ITrr,]..TC`.C7'ISk QI? A-'iD Ar,'IICIS AI17) ALSM P1107ID1,11,K7 YOR GTvur, c!r TO SVITI -.,'011 TIP, T]I 1111 � ]T�Alfc ') "."MM2 OF RRY1,1.3,A1,1h(' 05 SPID 0ITEAPTI"IE ED TIOR, PAM"ACT' 017"Al' 117RRT,�'�IINAF'TEM VRITTEN. - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - BM TT Ely ("TT'-, 07' '117 PI'I'Y OF 1. Ordin-nce Amop 26'3 being entitled an ordinance it, to be Lhe h"ention of the City of K,Cispell and notifying; the Uarthern Ida ho sand Y-ontnw,,u Power Compf,,,iny its rmd assigns of the intention of the CiQ of Kalispell to purckmse the plant, stater.' works, franchise f-.rid ivater oupply, of the said corporation its mccessors und EwnQym be and the is hereby repealed. ,",ection 2. Th�,,,,,t '}he 1,ortbera Id,tho van6 1'ontr3,na Power Comp,.3rly be notified by the City Clevl, of' the City of Kalin,,ela, of the pas sage of Lhis ordiwince unl LrLl�,t a certified cop,olf the ,.-,name 1--je del'Lvercd tt,e officers of saild corporation. P,ection 3. That all ordinances or of ordinance;; in conflict her(,vrit'a, I)e ,rnd Une = 7>re v,.,re hereby repoa2led. Pf"sned approved ti;io 2nd di,,,, of 7),ecember, Ic)12. Atteet: -,��—Z4 Z City Clerk. WAIN OF MUTATA CITY �2 7AI'11'1-,,,�-;1,1, I, j, WCAINOter, nity 71pry of t"D "ity of �vr"V . YLJ.fy Mt on the ird, 1mr W "McmAmr, 191� , 1 wwsod tt,�� fOregoing qmPolution to be yoptel rm, q perjod of fi7e 11yo S in Ordinance Yo214 qsl thit Paid -RCS0010011 ? t. '.0'r a perlad of `jvc, AKA%:s "Ce jqve bn a) n. or Wavein ninan tVP namonge IM qp,cov- 1 ,�i-reQf ,.v tl:(, ,,ierein and Mn vairi"Ip "11 this do, of