Ordinance 277 - Prohibiting Construction of Stairways on StreetsC)RD11`j'XCT', NO., 277. At 01DID1iTCE 1BUTIBITING ATY M.`MRUCTIOY G7 OPTU,_' jW`,&FMTT OR CEELLA�r"i 1'1i1 ' C,I v OR STATHWAYS� Tl,­'',' STTI'IaMl, 07Z A1,11,411Is or V�L� C I T'� OF KI'd BllIT ORIDJ\117:+117D PY lz,�xE Cl�ill y Oh CITY 01F KAI'ISPEIL: Section 1. That it WWI he unlawful for any person, persons company or corporation to cc-�nstruct s,n open basement or cellcar entriince, �­I,Ach -,id open brasemont or cellt,,r entrance oncrojoh upon, or occupy 4,ny portion of any street or alley or the space nbove or below --_iny P,t,ich street or ulaey. c c t i on 2 An; porson, persons, COMoflny Or Corporation or th.e agent r tKoroof or the officers of a cori.,)orntion ,,,h.nll violnte the provisions of tfiio ordin,-Ance sh-all be guilty of 5� misde-meinor for i eves;,: day thqt said open b-seriont or cellar entrqnce rMall be under construction and upon conviction may be fined in a cum of not less Lhan $100.00 nor more tlor, 1,250.00 or, nta,,y be imprirDnel for a time not exceeding thirty (ID,ys or both P,such fine •,,ndl iiapriso=ent. Passed and qTromed. this 2n!-,, da,- of eoeLnber, 1912. NRY Or. Attest: C'ITY OF & V" j. 710011ster, "Ity nevic w" t',e of rolcpell, ",ontanW do !mrahy certiry t!"t on tke A -A, "g nf -enenhen 1112, 1 enuneel the foregoing 7psolution to bo !nDstmi far 9 riod of pvc Tqj up roqyi-cd in :Wakmnr- Zn 1V4 POPLel for a verjcd of five lays an! 'Ast n',,Vc bo-ll no or ultarations mule t'>1„1 �W t:i: ince tlc pv- by the city comxj2 qor i"', t1-10 recor,!ink tl[a rpof, loc—AVI 40rein 9nd Mo w4ifhmte '"le Kis trr, dny of -MPMAer Q12, 1461Lll 21, t_300L�!0201 C41Y Cn M.