Resolution 477 - Committee - Water Plant Purchase297 ,, r,, ' 1 4" I - BE IT BY TOP GITI D0XIT or T— NTY (IT KAI :=W� MnMNAS the propert fr9nchise of Vc "ortliern ari(l Cr -','or supplying the City GFUTIOPell qnd Out inhRlitints Vereof with W" 0V for public Qnd pcj vRto nurp)F,057, iIcg City CqmcV In p boforu it W)t !Pntjo informuH(ni regarding tha UdVinnhility of oukr-itt-q",- "'o sa votr� of i'nc' Pe6ple a new franchise or submitting a propoAtion of Owdi, Uto My, Q:r tTie p"'ATIr"i"o �)f the, "'r-l'teL pRint, Be it Tharnfore Ropolvel that Lora is hereby wrontel a committee of HtHans Lo We known ss Lae Thtm Corimi:inion ng of Cliris Ast, Miller, 7, cf. Blornapy, nwi ne CiLy HrOneer TNIt it rd"RV bo the of Mil MOV Camdss"n tO examine A n t c the c r e a s I; nal I ow r s a f r n,Lo n t�-, f (,?r p u 111, 1 C ,nd P 1-- i ), m t 0 A E3 e, t a C 0 12 0 C t 0 1 d c QTn 1) i 10 ,}rite 'I, r, 1 J--, for rrrin, t 1 ,,, n r a t 1 ng t-) ,in, rio� , C, �, r-,R, k e an estimnte OF the m7un of Lhe exiVing plInt, or of uj,e of a now jQ,qL vul to recwmwnd to itjc' �.,ity 1,o,,,scjj 1 to be "raued raV"iva to Lne water lluld stil-Lrit sqld vAth the& ron"no nereffor Jr t gritcl'i rI-por°t jje)t .ter i [3iXty c1'1'yf7' 1'70111 That said WaLcr Commisnion qnd tvQt t4pre ke und is ' Pr -by wippro7riltee! )i,),t ci t'xje of Va Cit; cf K911spall, Lie num of riot to ,v 0.00 ful: Che vrri:Dnze of ureparin�c- aati g,tb7 Passed and approved this 140 dey ce A,unt. 1912. Attest: .1 zk C -1 "r%,.